Portrait Jean-Luc Vey

We are deeply saddened and shocked: Jean-Luc, co-founder and board member of PROUT AT WORK, has passed away unexpectedly.

Jean-Luc leaves a painful and unclosable gap in our team and our community, for which he has worked tirelessly and selflessly for decades. Our two board members Jean-Luc and Albert came up with the idea for PROUT AT WORK 20 years ago. His unstoppable efforts, his warmth and his commitment to queer diversity and equal opportunities have had a lasting impact on our work. As a result, he has not only enriched our lives, but those of countless others.

We send our sympathy and thoughts to all the people who have been moved and impacted by his work as much as we have.

Repose en paix, Jean-Luc!

Queer is

The PROUT AT WORK-Foundation increases awareness of queer topics in the workplace in ways that can be seen, felt and experienced.
That way, equal opportunities for queer people become a matter of course, a part of everyday life, and talents and energies can be fully realised.

This openness benefits everyone: individuals and companies, society and business.


Where we come in

PROUT AT WORK is a leading German think tank, providing advice and shaping the debate on queer topics in the workplace. Our goal is equal opportunities for people of any sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sexual characteristics.

We support and guide individuals, networks, companies and organisations by providing strategic guidance on workplace culture as well as educational services and sensitivity training for employees and executives.

Together, we can increase our scope for action and shape today’s and tomorrow’s society.

Social Impact

Workplace culture

Small or large, local or global – we work with companies and organisations. We broaden traditional structures and help you establish and grow a work environment that takes everyone into account and appeals to everybody.


At PROUT AT WORK, executives, HR managers, diversity managers and strategists of any kind will find experts for any relevant work-related questions they may have regarding queer matters. We are strong advocates of the fact that queer diversity in companies pays off: on an economic, cultural and human level.

Queer Networks

We act as an umbrella network for queer networks in companies and organisations. We foster the exchange of experiences and best practices and provide support for the establishment, development and expansion of queer networks.


We’re here to assist and advise individuals – in professional as well as private matters. We offer solutions, broaden horizons and connect people with each other or with someone who can provide answers.




“As a sponsor of the network, the queer community is particularly close to my heart.”

Dr. Theresa von Fugler is a biochemist, “doer” and family person. As an executive with global experience in the branded goods industry, she has been Managing Director at Sanofi Consumer Healthcare in Germany since September 2021. She is a sponsor of the internal LGBT*IQ network in Germany and is particularly committed to diversity in the workplace.

Learn more

Prout employer


PROUT EMPLOYER are our business allies, input providers and sparring partners. They provide PROUT AT WORK with financial and moral support. PROUT EMPLOYER communicate the goal of equal opportunities both internally and externally:

»We create an open work environment for all people, in which sexual orientation, gender identity, qualities and characteristics and gender expression play a positive role.«

Become part of our PROUT EMPLOYER-network!

15. May 2025 I Events I Hamburg

TOGATHERING: Beyond Pinkwashing

with OTTO

Note: This event will be held in German. Pinkwashing describes a situation where companies or organisations position themselves as particularly tolerant and open in public by apparently identifying with the queer community and selling the…

More info


October 23, 2024 I PROUT AT WORK

Queer Network Awards 2024

PROUT AT WORK presents the Queer Network Awards for the seventh time and honors committed queer corporate networks.

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January 27, 2023 I PROUT AT WORK

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today is World Holocaust Memorial Day! We commemorate the victims of National Socialism and its inhuman atrocities.

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