A talk with… Nikita Baranov
“The answer to crises lies in togetherness”
For quite some time, Facebook has been recommending the possibility of fundraising in favor of non-profit organizations on one’s own birthday. Nikita Baranov from METRO followed this recommendation and asked his friends to contribute in favor of PROUT AT WORK. For this reason we had a short talk with Nikita:
Nikita, congratulations on you birthday also from our side. Why os a donation campaign for the PROUT AT WORK-Foundation so important right now, in times of crisis?
The answer to crises lies in togetherness – precisely because of the physical distance we experience in everyday life, it is all the more important that we move closer as a community. Of course, this also applies to our working environments. One thing is clear, we will all work together differently in the future, and the Foundation is working tirelessly to achieve this: For a working world that stands for more diversity and inclusion – detached from sexual orientation, origin, religion and identity.
What is the added value of PROUT AT WORK for you as a person?
Without the long-standing support of PROUT AT WORK, METROPride, our network for LGBT+ employees and allies, would not be where it is today. The numerous formats that PROUT AT WORK offers – from guidebooks to awareness training for all levels in the company to important networking with other company networks, politicians and associations – have enabled us to sustainably anchor the topic of LGBT+ diversity within METRO and to constantly expand it.
“One thing is clear, we will all work together differently in the future, and the Foundation is working tirelessly to achieve this.”
What can each individual do to help PROUT AT WORK not just during this time?
Everyone can use PROUT AT WORK’s analog and digital offerings to promote a discrimination-free workplace and more diversity in their company. Especially now, in a time where a lot of conversation only takes place via digital channels, an appreciative environment and mindfulness is more important than ever. In order to promote dialogue and raise awareness of these issues, the Foundation relies on all the support it can get.