15. May 2025 I Events I Hamburg

TOGATHERING: Beyond Pinkwashing

with OTTO

Note: This event will be held in German.

Pinkwashing describes a situation where companies or organisations position themselves as particularly tolerant and open in public by apparently identifying with the queer community and selling the rainbow flag as a trend symbol. However, little can be deduced about the actual commitment of the respective company from the sale of products in rainbow colours or participation in CSDs alone. This requires a look behind the scenes to find out how important the issue really is and whether real efforts are being made for queer inclusion.

Especially in times of a societal shift to the right and a rising of hate crimes against queer people, it is becoming increasingly important for both the community and companies to set an example and take a stand against queer hostility. At this TOGATHERING, we would like to focus on how a commitment to queer diversity can be communicated authentically and credibly and at the same time strengthened by internal commitment.

Together with PROUT EMPLOYER OTTO we cordially invite you to:

TOGATHERING – think. talk. change.

Beyond Pinkwashing

Authentic external representation of queer interests in the corporate context

OTTO Campus | Werner-Otto-Str. 1-7 | 22179 Hamburg

15.05.2025 | 18:00h – 21:00h

Together with you, we will find approaches and suggestions to questions such as:

  • What characterises queer diversity in companies?
  • How can authentic external communication on pride topics be organised, which parameters are important?
  • Rainbow logos: Important statement or show-off? Reflection on the diverse criticism.
  • What can companies do specifically to enable a safer space for their employees?
  • Reflection Pride 2024: What is the current status of queer diversity and related communication in the corporate context and what will we take away for 2025?

We look forward to getting to the bottom of all these (and other) questions together with you in our interactive TOGATHERING.

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