Good to know
numbers, data, facts
The PROUT AT WORK-team collects interesting scientific studies around queer issues for you.
Our newest recommendation
LGBTIQ Equality at a Crossroads –
Progress and Challenges
Year of publication: 2024
Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
This study takes a deeper look into the European queer community’s advancements and difficulties, highlighting important numbers and quotes.
45% of queer people in the EU tend to hide their queerness in the workplace to avoid discrimination. In addition to that, “LGBTIQ Equality at a Crossroads – Progress and Challenges” claims that biases against queer people have increased by 20% throughout the past four years.
2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health
Year of publication: 2022
Author: The Trevor Project
The study “2022 National survey on LGBTQ Mental Health”, issued by The Trevor Project, studies the influence of discrimination of LGBT*IQ youth mental health as opposed to their peers outside of the LGBT*IQ community.
Year of publication: 2020
Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Back in 2012, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) surveyed LGBTIQ people in a number of European countries about their experiences of discrimination and queer-hostile behavior. This survey was repeated in 2019 in order to obtain a more up-to-date picture of the situation for LGBTIQ people and to identify possible developments. The results of a third round of the survey are expected to be published in 2024.
A Workplace Divided – Understanding the Climate for LGBTQ Workers Nationwide
Year of publication: 2018
Author: Human Rights Campaign Foundation
This study focuses on the experiences of LGBT*IQ workers in America in their everyday work lives. The results are presented in an understandable and visually appealing way.
Year of publication: 2021
Author: Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld
The Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld published this brochure in early 2021 together with the Bundesverband Trans*, Intergeschlechtliche Menschen e. V. and the LSVD. It deals with the new circumstances and challenges in the lives of queer people during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Coming Out in Nrw
Year of publication: 2020
Author: Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.
The range of coming out experiences in the LGBTIQ community could not be greater: Because, unfortunately, acceptance is still not a matter of course today. To find out more about this, the study “Coming Out in NRW” analyzes the experiences of LGBTIQ people aged 14-27 in North Rhine-Westphalia. The primary focus here is on the course of the personal coming out, the reactions of those around them and the use of queer youth work services.
Geschlechterdiversität in Beschäftigung und Beruf
Year of publication: 2020
Author: Dr. Tamás Jules Fütty, Marek Sancho Höhne, Eric Llaveria Caselles
The study deals with the situation for gender-diverse people in the world of work. In addition to highlighting the existing problems of discrimination, it also clarifies questions and possibilities regarding protection against discrimination on the part of the employer. The study not only covers the purely theoretical aspect, but also provides the reader with examples, checklists and questionnaires that can be used to check and adapt one’s own behaviour.
This study was commissioned by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency and published in 2020.
Handbuch Queere Zeitgeschichten I:
Year of publication: 2023
Author: Andrea Rottmann, Martin Lücke, Benno Gammerl
The diverse range of contributions in “Handbuch queerer Zeitgeschichten” reveals new perspectives regarding the lives and the history of queer people living in Germany, the former DDR, Switzerland and Austria. The first part of this trilogy focuses on the influence of certain spaces on the queer community- i.e. theatres, psychiatric hospitals and clubs.
Year of publication: 2023
Author: Nain Heiligers, Dominic Frohn,
Stefan Timmermanns, Simon Merz and
Tabea Moschner
According to the survey “How Are You? Die Lebenssituation von LSBTIQA* Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in Bayern”, almost 94% of queer Bavarians between the ages of 14 and 21 have already experienced at least one form of discrimination.
This study looks further into young queers’ identities, needs and personal surroundings and attempts to develop concrete political and/or social measures to improve their overall satisfaction.
Year of publication: 2020
Author: Dipl.-Psych. Prof. Dr. Dominic Frohn, B.Sc. Psych. Michael Wiens, B.Sc. Psych. Sarah Buhl, B.Sc. Psych. Milena Peitzmann, B.Sc. Psych. Nain Heiligers
The study pursues the objective of investigating the hitherto unsatisfactorily researched work situation of persons who classify themselves as belonging to the spectrum of inter/intersex/ innate variations of gender characteristics and to compare it differentially with the experiences of (endo*) lesbian, gay, bi- and/or pansexual as well as trans* and/or non-binary persons. While the limited research available on inter* is mainly in the area of medically relevant factors, there is hardly any systematically collected data on psychosocial aspects of the multifaceted inter* realities of life.
LGBT+ Diversity and Inclusion in the context of Covid-19
Year of publication: 2020
Author: Ernest & Young
In this study, conducted by Ernst & Young, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on LGBTIQ inclusion and diversity was examined. The overall well-being of the LGBTIQ community during the pandemic in their personal and work lives was also examined and compared to statistics from pre-COVID-19 times.
LGBTQ Inclusion in Advertising & Media
Year of publication: 2019
Author: GLAAD in cooperation with Proctor & Gamble
For this study, GLAAD collaborated with Procter & Gamble to examine LGBTIQ representation in advertising and media. Part of the research included what impact queer representation in the media has on the attitudes of people who are not part of the LGBTIQ community.
Year of publication: 2020
Author: Lisa de Vries, Mirjam Fischer, David Kasprowski, Martin Kroh, Simon Kühne, David Richter und Zaza Zindel
This report provides a detailed analysis of the situation of LGBT*IQ people in the German labour market. It covers the education and employment choices of LGBT*IQ people compared to heterosexual people, but also experiences of discrimination in different industries.
LGBTQ+ voices. learning from lived experiences
Year of publication: 2020
Author: Peter Bailinson, William Decherd,
Diana Ellsworth, Maital Guttman
This McKinsey study examines the daily experiences of LGBT*IQ people in the workplace. It also places a focus on LBT*IQ women. Using the results of a survey of over 2,000 people, it also highlights 6 factors that help make a company’s workplace culture more LGBT*IQ friendly.
LSBTIQ* inklusiv NRW
Year of publication: 2020
Author: LAG Lesben in NRW e. V
The study “LSBTIQ* inklusiv NRW”, issued by LAG Lesben NRW e. V., attends for the first time to the living realities and problems of LGBTIQ* people with different forms of disability, chronic illness, mental and other difficulties.
Out @ Work Barometer – The paradox of Lgbt+ talent
Year of publication: 2018/19 Edition
Author: Boston Consulting Group
The study focuses on the topic of sexuality in the workplace in Germany. Furthermore, these findings are put into an international context – how many people come out in the workplace, what consequences are expected? Among other data, four LGBT*IQ archetypes are identified that can be found in the workplace.
OUT at the OFFICE?!
Sexual Identity, (Anti-) Discrimination and Diversity at the workplace.
Year of publication: 2017
Author: Prof. Dr. Dominic Frohn,
Florian Meinhold, Christina Schmidt
The work situation of LGBT*IQ persons is still unsatisfactorily researched. There are hardly any qualitative and so far only a few quantitative studies that have focused in particular on work-related issues. The new edition of the study “Out at the Office?!” by Prof. Dr. Dominic Frohn, Florian Meinhold and Christina Schmidt looks at the current work situation of LGBT*IQ persons. On the one hand, essential changes within the last ten years for the work situation of lesbian and gay employees are elaborated. On the other hand, the study is expanded to include the perspective of bisexual and trans* employees, who have hardly been considered in research to date.
Year of publication: 2023
Author: Queeres Zentrum Mannheim e.V.
We, at PROUT AT WORK, are very well aware of how much of an issue the discrimination against LGBT*IQ in places of work still poses.
This brochure intends to tackle those issues by pointing out ways for LGBT*IQ individuals and/or companies to improve their working environment.
QUEER in europe
during the second world war
Year of publication: 2018
Author: Council of Europe
This piece of research deconstructs the day-to-day lives of queer folks between 1939 and 1945.
The persecution of queer people at the hands of the Nazi Regime is discussed just as much as queer people’s individual struggles with the justice system in various European countries at the time. Thanks to the evidence accumulated by a number of specialists, this paper manages to redefine the Second World War as a fundamental turning point in queer history.
The L-Word in Business
Year of publication: 2020
Author: Prof. Dr. Regine Graml, Prof. Dr. Tobias Hagen, Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ziegler, Dr. Kristine Khachatryan, Ricky Astrida Herman,
The study, funded by the Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld and conducted by the Frankfurt University of Applied Science, focuses specifically on the situation of lesbian women in the workplace and addresses the intersection of homophobia and sexism, shedding light on the situation of working lesbian women in Germany in the application process and in their working lives. The results of the study as well as recommendations for action for companies to eliminate discrimination were furthermore written in cooperation with Wirtschaftsweiber e.V. and the PROUT AT WORK-Foundation.
WE NEVER give up the fight: National LGBTQ+ Women’s Community Survey
Year of publication: 2023
Author: Grant, Jaime M., PhD and Alyasah Ali Sewell, PhD
This survey analyzes more than 5.000 queer women’s answers regarding fundamental questions- such as: How do misogyny and hate crimes affect queer women’s families and relationships?
Which areas of life pose the biggest challenges to queer women? Which strategies and environments enable queer women to develop as freely as possible?