rewe group dito

This year, REWE Group DITO received the award in the BIG IMPACT INITIATIVE category. Together with its network mentor and CEO Lionel Souque, the network initiated and internally implemented a comprehensive online training course on the topic of “Queer Diversity”. Among other things, the focus was on dealing with gender identity and sexual orientation in the workplace. The training is available in the learning catalog for all employees for an indefinite period of time and is therefore firmly anchored in the Group for the long term. In addition to queer diversity and inclusion, further training courses on other dimensions of diversity are planned for the future.

proud – novelis

The PROUD network from Novelis will receive the RISING STAR award this year. The network was founded in Europe in 2022 and has been supported by 15 allies in the European plants since last year. In addition to initial events, such as participation in three Pride events in 2023, the network has started to take targeted action at Novelis plants in its second year. The network in Europe has inspired and motivated the regions of North and South America to also establish an LGBT*IQ network. PROUD in Europe is organized by a core team of four people and supported by the sponsor – the Vice President HR of Novelis Europe.

equal at mckinsey
Logo Equal at McKinsey

The GLOBAL LEADER NETWORK award is presented to the Equal at McKinsey network, which celebrates its 30th anniversary next year and has grown significantly in recent years. There are more than 14,000 Inclusion Allies worldwide who are committed to promoting queer issues within the company. McKinsey has a global strategy to actively promote the network in all offices around the world. The company has queer leaders in offices around the world, including China, Chile, France, Germany, Poland, Singapore, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands and South Africa. They act as role models in the company and play their part in increasing the visibility of queer people and content in the company.

sustainability AWARD:
by commerzbank

ARCO, Commerzbank’s Pride network, receives the SUSTAINABILITY Award from the PROUT AT WORK Foundation. For over 20 years, the employee network has been committed to breaking down prejudices and promoting mutual acceptance at all levels within the company. With regular events and publications, ARCO raises awareness of queer issues and creates a working environment in which all employees can be who they are. An Executive Ally program involves managers in all segments as supporters of queer people. The Executive Board has also supported the network, which is being continuously expanded, since it was founded in 2002. This gives ARCO a pioneering role for queer employee networks in Germany.

special award:
#outinchurch e.V.

This year’s special award goes to #OutInChurch e.V. The campaign – initiated by full-time, voluntary, potential and former employees of the Roman Catholic Church – was launched in January 2022 and is still helping to make queer people visible in the church and give their concerns a voice. The strategic goal of #OutInChurch was to expose abuses in the Catholic Church and to initiate necessary reforms that would make the Catholic Church a place free of discrimination. A secondary condition for this was the protection of the individual by creating publicity. This was successful: due to the relatively high number of participants, there have been no consequences under employment law to date. Catholic employment law was amended in the fall of 2022 so that a queer identity and a queer relationship are no longer grounds for dismissal. Public pressure on the Catholic Church, which was already high for many other reasons, was increased once again and implicitly called on its representatives to take a stand.

Sander van’t Noordende


Queer equal opportunities will continue to be an important topic in 2024 – especially in times when we are seeing an increase in queer-hostile activities. It is important for individuals, who are thus gaining more and more freedom to live their authentic selves in the workplace, and just as important for companies that offer their employees an appreciative environment.

Albert Kehrer, CEO of PROUT AT WORK, also emphasized in his opening speech why queer diversity in the workplace is so important: “Queer diversity is considered an indicator of an open and inclusive corporate culture.”

At the PROUT AT WORK Foundation’s 7th DINNER BEYOND BUSINESS, the focus was on the commitment of companies and managers to queer employees: “In times when hatred, hate speech and crime against queer people are on the rise again, IKEA is standing up as an ally and strong supporter. We have a zero-tolerance policy for attacks on queer people inside and outside the company. I am pleased and proud that many people from the queer community find their professional home at IKEA,” says Walter Kadnar, Country Retail Manager & CSO IKEA Germany. The invitation to DINNER BEYOND BUSINESS 2024 was accepted by over 50 senior executives from major companies and institutions, including representatives from Accenture, Boehringer Ingelheim, Commerzbank, congstar, Disney, Ergo, Infineon, KPMG, Novelis, Oracle, OTTO, PwC and Siemens. The participants of the top-class networking event enjoyed an exclusive dinner at the IKEA headquarters in Hofheim am Taunus. Albert Kehrer explained the background to DINNER BEYOND BUSINESS in his welcoming speech: “Behind a manager there is always a personal story that has an impact on performance in the workplace. That’s why we invited people to DINNER BEYOND BUSINESS 2024 to find out more about the queer side of business. Supporting queer people in the workplace is much more than just supporting a marginalized group.” The highlight of the evening was the Fireside Chat by Albert Kehrer together with Sander van’t Noordende, CEO of Randstad, about role models, coming out at work and allyship.

“For us at Randstad, our ultimate goal is for everyone to feel comfortable at work.”

Sander van’t Noordende has been Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board at Randstad since March 2022 and is one of the only openly gay CEOs among the Fortune 500. Sander spent most of his career at Accenture, where he held a number of leadership positions. During his successful three decades at Accenture, he served as Group Chief Executive of the Products Operating Group. Sander advocates for the importance of DEI&B in the workplace at international events, including at the World Economic Forum in Davos with discussions on inclusion and the rights of queer people.

“All employees should have the same opportunities – but that also means that we have to organize our processes and those of our customers accordingly.”

At the beginning of the Fireside Chat, Sander van’t Noordende shared some private insights as an out executive: “I come from a very diverse family: I have two gay uncles and two lesbian aunts, which has always been the most normal thing in the world for me. But a diverse family doesn’t automatically mean it’s easy to come out as gay.” His role model has always been his gay uncle, who showed him that you can also be successful at work as a gay man. “For us at Randstad, our ultimate goal is for everyone to feel comfortable at work. All employees should have the same opportunities – but that also means that we have to organize our processes and those of our customers accordingly.” He is also convinced that companies need to position themselves on certain issues: “Senior leaders and CEOs in particular need to stand up and show their support, because they are the focus of the company and act as role models.”

recording of the talk with sander van’t noordende


Diversity! But sustainable.

On May 13, 2024, we were guests at one100 – the Randstad head office – in Eschborn. Despite spring thunderstorms over Frankfurt, we welcomed around 40 networkers to the first PROUT PERFORMER Networking Event 2024.

In an on-stage discussion with PROUT AT WORK board member Albert Kehrer, Frank Münze (Head of Talent & EDI&B), Carlotta Köster-Brons (Head of the Capital Office, National CSR Coordinator) and Bettina Desch (External Communications Expert) provided insights into the sustainability and EDI&B strategy at Randstad from various perspectives.

Afterwards, the guests had the opportunity – with a cool drink and a delicious snack in hand – to continue the exchange, talk about the challenges and opportunities of diversity work and share best practices from their own work contexts. Absolutely added value for the participants and super interesting for us too.

We were also very impressed by the guided tours of the impressive head office, where New Work is practiced in many different ways, from a flexible workplace to a fitness studio and a parent-child room, in order to meet the needs and requirements of employees in their day-to-day work.

Many thanks to all visitors, our hosts, co-organizers and the Randstad Pride BRG for their active support on site.


Kindly supported by


„As long as we have not yet managed to create these conditions in the world of work and society for everyone, we will miss out on opportunities and not use our full potential.“

Katja Scharpwinkel was born in Hagen in 1969. She studied chemistry at the University of Münster and received her diploma in 1994, followed by her doctorate in 1996.

As a member of the Executive Board, she is responsible for European Site & Verbund Management; Global Engineering Services; Corporate Environmental Protection, Health, Safety & Quality and the Europe, Middle East, Africa region.



Dr. Katja Scharpwinkel: In my role as site manager, it is my job to bring the team at the site together. With the challenges of the present and future, it is important that we are motivated and, above all, united in working towards our goals. This is only possible if no one has to struggle with reservations or artificial barriers. This applies not only in Ludwigshafen, but also in our private lives. An important step in breaking down reservations is exchanging ideas and getting to know each other. I want to help drive this forward – and I know that I am not alone in this, but have many committed people at my side – at BASF and in the PROUT AT WORK network.



Dr. Katja Scharpwinkel: I think there is no point in weighing up issues that move and shape society against each other. We shouldn’t put climate protection and the necessary (energy) transformation on the back burner because of a pandemic or the wars in Ukraine and Gaza.

And so queer diversity remains as relevant as ever. For me, it also stands for tolerance, cohesion and humanity. These values are the basis of our coexistence in a democracy – we must protect them no matter what. Anything else would be a big step backwards for our society.



Dr. Katja Scharpwinkel: Like most people, I want to work in a company where I can be who I am. Only then can I be motivated and have fun, only then can and will I contribute my best. As long as we have not yet managed to create these conditions in the world of work and society for everyone, we will miss out on opportunities and not use our full potential. This is a situation that has been unacceptable not just since the skills shortage. That is why I am committed to diversity in both my private and professional life.

Dear Katja, thank you very much for the interview!




„By embracing diversity, we not only enrich our organizational culture but also drive innovation and creativity.“

Matthias Burghardt is an Associate Director at BCG Platinion and supports financial service providers in Central Europe with digital transformations. He studied Information Engineering and Management in Karlsruhe and earned a PhD in Business. Matthias heads the DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) activities at BCG Platinion in Central Europe as well as the LGBTQ+ network Pride @ BCG Platinion in EMESA where all activities of the Pride members and allies are coordinated.

You were immediately willing to do a joint interview –
thank you again! Why is it a matter close to your heart or a
concern for you to support queer people in the workplace?


Matthias Burghardt: Supporting queer people in the workplace is crucial for me because it fosters a truly inclusive and respectful environment where every individual can thrive. By embracing diversity, we not only enrich our organizational culture but also drive innovation and creativity. It reflects a commitment to equality and human rights, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, has equal opportunities to succeed and contribute to our collective success.

Which initiatives regarding equal opportunities for queer
people in the workplace are you pursuing within your company?


Matthias Burghardt: We are committed to fostering equal opportunities for queer employees through a multifaceted approach. We are building a diverse workforce by actively recruiting from a wide range of backgrounds and promoting an inclusive environment where everyone can bring one’s true self to work. Our initiatives are centered around our close-knit Pride members and allies, creating a “secret sauce” where everyone finds community. We are also enhancing our external communications to reflect our commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusivity.

Which role do allies play in your organization and
how do you engage them in your LGBTQ+ initiatives?


Matthias Burghardt: Allies are incredibly important for the acceptance and inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals. Especially allies who actively and strongly advocate for queer issues are essential for LGBTQ+ people to feel fully accepted at work. We understand the importance of an inclusive atmosphere among employees, achievable only by integrating the issue into our company culture. Allyship is more than just changing the company flag on LinkedIn or hosting an annual fair. Allies are an integral part of our Pride Community.

What motivated BCG Platinion to become a PROUT EMPLOYER
and what would you like to see in our cooperation?


Matthias Burghardt: Our motivation to become a PROUT EMPLOYER stems from a deep commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace that celebrates diversity and supports the LGBTQ+ community. We aim to lead by example, promoting equality and understanding. In our cooperation, we aspire to share best practices, innovate in diversity initiatives, and create a broader impact through community engagement, advocacy, and awareness programs. Together, we can build a more inclusive world where everyone is empowered to succeed.

What advice would you give to other companies
that have not yet discovered queer diversity for themselves?


Matthias Burghardt: Embrace queer diversity as an asset. It enriches your company culture, drives innovation, and appeals to a broader customer base. Start by creating a safe, inclusive environment where all voices are heard and valued. Invest in diversity training, support LGBTQ+ employee networks, and commit to equitable policies. Learning from and partnering with organizations like PROUT AT WORK can accelerate your journey. Diversity isn’t just right; it’s smart business. Don’t get left behind.

Dear Matthias Burghardt, thank you very much for the interview!



Wir haben uns dazu entschieden, uns vom Begriff „LGBT*IQ“ zu verabschieden. Das Spektrum erweitert sich stetig und es ist uns wichtig, alle sexuellen Orientierungen und geschlechtlichen Identitäten in unserer Kommunikation einzuschließen.

Stattdessen verwenden wir ab diesem Jahr den Begriff „Queer“. Queer ist ein Sammelbegriff für alle Personen, deren geschlechtliche Identität und/oder sexuelle Orientierung nicht zweigeschlechtlich, cis-geschlechtlich und/oder heterosexuell ist.

Der Begriff zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass er Identitäten nicht scharf abgrenzt, sondern dass seine Bedeutung sich ständig verschiebt. So stellen wir sicher, dass wir wirklich alle Personen ansprechen und niemanden exkludieren.

Aus unserem Slogan „LGBT*IQ geht alle an.“ wird „Queer geht alle an.“ – denn es geht uns ALLE an!  

“Wir haben im Laufe der letzten Jahre vermehrt Anfragen bekommen, ob wir unser Akronym ‘LGBT*IQ’ erweitern können. Da wir niemanden in unserer Kommunikation ausschließen wollen – das mit dem Akronym aber immer schwieriger umzusetzen ist – haben wir uns für den Begriff ‘Queer’ entschieden”, so Albert Kehrer, Vorstand der PROUT AT WORK-Foundation. “Der Begriff taucht auch in politischen Diskussionen vermehrt auf und wird insbesondere von rechts-konservativen Politiker_innen verstärkt abgelehnt – weshalb wir damit auch ein Zeichen setzen wollen: Wir unterstützen die gesamte Community, einschließlich aller geschlechtlicher Identitäten und sexueller Orientierungen!“

Ihr habt Fragen dazu? Schickt uns gerne eine Nachricht über unsere Social-Media-Kanäle oder eine E-Mail an

Empathy is key

The PROUT PERFORMER lists continue to spark great popularity. They offer a platform for queer role models in the workpalce and create visibility for committed people from very different fields of action. At the same time, the PROUT PERFORMER project thrives on active networking – on exchange in presence. After the successful kick-off event in 2022 (which took place in the RTL Audio Event Lounge in Berlin at the end of the year), we were delighted to be able to continue the event format in 2023.

Thanks to the support of our PROUT EMPLOYER Fujitsu, we were able to invite all the list winners and jury members from previous years to the Fujitsu headquarters in Munich at the beginning of December. In addition to finger food and drinks, an attractive supporting program awaited the guests.

After an inspiring opening by Gerd Jooss from the Fujitsu Pride Network, Florian Siekmann (member of the Bavarian state parliament and deputy parliamentary group leader of the Greens) gave a keynote speech on the status quo of the queer community and placed current developments and events vividly in a larger political context.

Afterwards, the guests listened to an exciting input from Magdalena Rogl (Diversity & Inclusion Lead at Microsoft Germany) about Empathy. Magdalena has been working in the online world for over 15 years. For her extraordinary career path from childcare worker to the digital industry, she was honored with the Digital Female Leader Award and as one of the “25 women who are revolutionizing our economy”. Her first book “MitGefühl – Warum Emotionen im Job unverzichtbar sind” was published in October 2022.

The following on-stage discussion with PROUT AT WORK CEO Albert Kehrer, various topics relating to emotionality at work and diversity were explored in more detail. Among other things, the two discussion partners addressed the question of how we can use a reflective, mindful approach to emotions as a compass to better understand ourselves and others. Or how important the role of role models is in making diversity visible in the company.

After the program, the guests had the opportunity to make themselves comfortable at bar tables and various seating areas in the attractive event location and to engage in informal discussions with one another over snacks and cool refreshments. After the event, we were delighted with the positive feedback from the participants and are already planning further PROUT PERFORMER networking events. Two are planned for 2024.


Credits: Francesco Giordano

Kindly supported by

UNITE von Covestro

Some business areas are reached more by LGBT*IQ business networks, others have hardly any points of contact with them. To date, there have been few best-practice examples of LGBT*IQ awareness-raising work in production companies. UNITE, the LGBT*IQ network of Covestro Deutschland AG, has raised awareness of LGBT*IQ in production. The response was consistently positive, so further events are planned in various areas and at different locations. This makes UNITE a true pioneer, as there have been no best practice examples from other production companies to date.

bunt/lb von nord/lb

Despite being founded at the beginning of last year, this network has already planned and carried out a large number of creative activities. BUNT/LB stands for acceptance and understanding at all levels of coexistence. In addition to representatives of the LGBT*IQ community, Allys are also committed to the interests of the network as members of the foundation; the chairwoman also acts as a patron.
On this year’s Diversity Day, BUNT/LB called on all employees to paint white rubber ducks in bright colors. The more than 200 creatively designed ducklings from various locations then went swimming together in the company pond. This creative idea was the deciding factor in choosing BUNT/LB.

shine von pwc

This network has not only been advocating for the LGBT*IQ community for ten years, but is also active in over 30 countries worldwide. In 2023, Shine introduced its first Global LGBT*IQ Inclusion Strategy, which aims to further promote equal opportunities for the LGBT*IQ community with concrete measures and objectives. These measures include raising awareness among managers, expanding the network, collecting data on the needs of LGBT*IQ employees, providing educational opportunities and increasing visibility through role models.

In order to provide employees with these learning experiences, workshops, discussion panels and other events were offered throughout June – including across national borders – thus living up to Shine’s title of “Global Leader”.

sustainability AWARD:
pride+ von
hogan lovells

At Hogan Lovells, diversity and inclusion are seen as a strategic priority at all international locations, as evidenced by policies on discrimination that protect all LGBT*IQ identities and a separate gender pronoun policy. In the six years since its creation, Pride+ has set itself the task of training all employees and managers on unconcious bias and integrating the topic of LGBT*IQ into recruitment processes. In Germany itself, a recommendation on gender-neutral language in the workplace has also been in place for two years, which is reinforced in the long term through repeated training.

X has developed into a platform on which racist, queer- and trans-hostile, anti-Semitic as well as other misanthropic content is becoming more and more widespread. This content is not deleted or prosecuted. Instead, since Elon Musk took over, words like “cis” or “cisgender” are considered offensive.

Musk bought Twitter in October 2022 for 44 billion US dollars and has since laid off more than half of all employees. Instead, he introduced a subscription model in which users receive the blue verification tick in exchange for a monthly or annual payment. Thanks to this, profiles that spread discriminatory content reach an even wider audience.

PROUT AT WORK rejects any form of discrimination and advocates for LGBT*IQ equal opportunities. The foundation creates inclusive spaces where discrimination and prejudice have no place. Therefore, remaining at X is no longer justifiable for PROUT AT WORK.

The PROUT AT WORK Foundation joins the German Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, the German Trans* Association, the German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality and many other associations and organizations to set a sign against hate and for diversity.

“Our exit from X is a clear signal to the public that we do not tolerate hate speech. We want to encourage other organizations to take this step as well and end their presence on X,” said Albert Kehrer, CEO of the PROUT AT WORK Foundation. “Platforms and social media need to be aware of their responsibility and take effective measures to combat anti-human speech and discrimination and protect marginalized groups.”

IInterested people can still find PROUT AT WORK on the social networks Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.   

International Pronouns Day 2023

Today is #InternationalPronounsDay! This day takes place annually on the third Wednesday in October and is dedicated to the topic of personal pronouns.

Especially for people who do not identify as (strictly) male or female, but for example as genderfluid or non-binary, pronouns can be important to express their gender identity.

In this context, a person’s appearance says nothing about the pronouns that person uses. That’s why it’s always important to ask about the pronouns!

Many LGBT*IQ people use neopronouns to distance themselves from binary gender thinking and feel comfortable in their identities.

Mentioning one’s own pronouns can help to free oneself from stereotypical binary thought patterns and contribute to sensitization in our society. Not every person necessarily uses the pronouns “he” or “she,” and it is important to treat these people with respect.

A study by the Trevor Project confirms that non-binary youth are more likely to struggle with mental health issues than cis youth. In other words:
Addressing the issue and being mindful of how people want to be addressed can save lives.

Pronouns in the Workplace:

Visibly placing your pronouns shows support and helps avoid misunderstandings.

You can place your pronouns…

  • … in the e-mail signature
  • … in Microsoft Teams
  • … in Zoom
  • … at the physical desk by sticker or name tag
  • … etc.
Gender neutral pronouns – examples:


They are on the phone right now.
This is their desk.
The presentation was created by them.
The parcel is for them.

No pronouns

Anouk is on the phone right now.
This is Anouk’s desk.
The presentation was created by Anouk.
The parcel is for Anouk.