Self-determination instead of degradation!
The “Selbstbestimmungsgesetz” (law of self-determination) is supposed to put the 40 year old “Transsexuellengesetz” (law under which gender transitions are regulated) out of order.
This step is supposed to ensure that trans* people can change their gender without costly procedures, therapists and lots of paperwork.
Trans* inter* and non-binary people will need only to go to their local registry office and fill out a paper under oath to chance their gender.
there will also be a clause that protects trans* inter* and non-binary people from involuntarily being outed, or deadnamed.
It isnt clear yet if this law will be maintained in that way, or if more changes will be made in the end. At the end of the year it will once again be looked over by our politicans, before the law will have to go trough the usual parlamentary trials.
Of course we will keep you updated!
Here at a glance is an excerpt on further assistance:
- Seek allies and role models within the company.
- If possible, work with the company to create a communication and action plan.
- Very important: You set the pace!
- Network with the LGBTIQ network, if one exists. We have compiled a list of LGBTIQ networks in companies and organizations.
- A Transition Guide clearly specifies who is responsible. Note: the trans* person determines the pace and whether an action should be implemented. Every transition is individual
- Enable name and pronoun changes before the official decision is made.
- Training sensitize HR and management
- Establish and strengthen an internal LGBTIQ network with dedicated trans contact persons
- Inform about the topic trans*
- Use gender inclusive language, ask for a person’s pronouns so they use the one chosen by the trans* person and not their deadname. Deadname is the old, discarded name of a trans* person.
- Only ask questions that you would answer yourself
- Consciously stand up for the rights and against the discrimination of trans* persons
“The Bundesverband Trans* (BVT) sees itself as a federation of individuals, groups, associations, federations and initiatives at regional, state and national level whose common endeavor is the commitment to gender diversity and self-determination and the commitment to human rights in terms of respect, recognition, equality, social participation and health of trans persons or persons not located in the binary gender system.”
“The dgti has set itself the goal of promoting the acceptance of transidents within society and counteracting their stigmatization. It should advise and support those affected and interested, if this is desired. An essential aspect of the work should be the (re-)integration of affected persons into the work process, in order to counteract the danger of social decline, which is still associated with social change today. It advocates more openness to one’s own identity and takes into account the diversity of human existence.”
“Nationwide, volunteer-based, non-profit association for all woman-to-male (FzM/FtM) trans* and inter* people.”
“TrIQ is a social center and a politically, culturally and in the research field active association, which stands up for trans, intersex and queer living people in Berlin and beyond.”
“The project of the Münchner Aids-Hilfe e.V. is equally there for trans* and inter* people as well as their relatives and friends.”
“TGEU is a membership-based organization that was founded in 2005. Since then, TGEU has steadily grown and established itself as a legitimate voice for the trans* community in Europe and Central Asia, with 157 member organizations in 47 different countries.”
Campaign: #BiVisible
For this year’s Bi+ Visibility Day
The goal of the campaign is to empower bisexual people, to create visibility through a large number of participants as well as to highlight the diversity of bisexual people.
We understand bisexual as all people who do not have romantic and/or sexual relationships exclusively with people of a certain gender.
The campaign was initiated jointly by the PROUT AT WORK-Foundation and Accenture.
#BiVisible – Bi+ Visibility Day 2022
Bi+ Visibility Day has been established in 1999 and falls on the 23. Of September each year. Its’ goal is to raise awareness of, and celebrate the complex life situations of bisexual persons. For this day, we interviewed bisexuals about how they view their own bisexuality, and what their wishes are, related to it. We collected their answers here for you:
Sarah Schiller (she / her), Head of Trial Molds Replacement – R&D Tires, Continental
How do you experience the topic of bisexuality at work?
In the engeneering world, I perceive mostly heterosexual men, who have had homoerotic experiences, but distance themselves from bi+ or homo+. It seems that bisexuality doesnt quite fit into the world view of their colleagues. In that context, Bi+ is often associated with promiscuity or lack of decisiveness.
How do you, as a bisexual person, want to be viewed?
I dont agree with prejudiced labels. For example, I am completely monogamous by my own decision, and I am only in a relationship with one person at a time, „despite“ being bi+. I dont want to be judged as poly/mono based on my bisexuality; everyone should find happiness in their own ways; the most important thing for me is to be seen as myself.
How can this topic be taken up in a work environment?
Awareness is, same as in all LGBTIQ themes, the key to getting rid of prejudice, and prevent unreflected hurt in the future. Thats why Visibility campaigns like Bi+Visibility Day are so important!
How do you experience the topic of bisexuality at work?
I am a bisexual single mother. Most oft he time, I´m not perceived as a bisexual or part oft he LGBTIQ* Community, since I have a child from a relationship with a man. When I tell my colleagues that I am active in the LGBT* Community in my company, the first reaction is often confusion. When I out myself as bisexual afterwards, the responses are neutral. I also experienced that a lesbian colleague on an LGBT* meeting by the company suddenly, and very obviously, lost interest in me when I told her I´m bisexual. The reality of bisexual people not being taken seriously in the LGBT* community is also sadly reoccurring reality. I have heard people refer to me with „When you still were lesbian.“ Or „when you played for the other team“ and that made me as a bisexual person, feel misunderstood. Even with neutral reactions, I feel insecure about what my colleagues think and if theyre prejudiced. It´s important to me to be able to come out to people, because my bisexuality is part of my history and what makes me me.
How do you, as a bisexual person, want to be viewed?
I fall in love with a person. Despite their gender. My Bisexuality is not a phase, I am not confused, I know very well what I wish for in a relationship. Despite that, the way to get there wasn´t easy, I myself thought I had to „pick a side“ and came out as lesbian. At some point I had to out myself again as bisexual, when I understood that I could also fall in love with men, and that it is okay. My non-binary gender Identity was overlooked for a long time. Thats what shaped my history and experiences.
How can this topic be taken up in a work environment?
The topic of bisexuality is given room, if there is conversation about the LGBT* Community on a company level. (Presentations, Diversity & inclusion)
Rafaella Fabris (she / her), Quality Manager, Infineon Technologies
Frank thies (he/him), teacher, diversity representative
How do you experience the topic of bisexuality at work?
I am not only a teacher who is concerned with diversity at my school, but also diversity representative who gives advice and coordinates projects. I am openly bisexual. Colleagues have talked to me regarding my newspaper interviews, and congratulated me on them. They approve of me.Nowadays, I experience more and more students coming out, especially as bisexual, non-binary or trans*. Gay and bisexual boys are more apprehensive.On the 23. Of September, we will raise the bisexual flag in my school.
How do you want to be viewed as a bisexual person?
Fundamentally, my bisexuality is only one of many properties of my person. I am also creative, reliable, empathic, often impatient, hilarious, I love board- and cardgames, fantasy, writing and yoga.But visibility is extremely important to bisexual people, because theyre often overlooked or actively made to be invisible.I think bisexuality is a gift, and thats why I want beauty to be seen in it.
How can this topic be taken up in a work environment?
Trough diversity-working groups, trough the raising oft he Bi-Flag, trough normalizing that people can love other people with different genders. Even more than one person at the same time. Trough supporting Bi+Pride. By attendance of #TeachOut (if you habe a teaching background). The own coming out encourages others, thats why if you have a good relationship with work colleagues, and are well liked/accepted-what are you waiting for? If not for yourself, do it for others!
In addition to the Bi+ hashtag campaign, there will also be a panel discussion on 23 September. We will talk to bi_sexual people about the (in)visibility of bisexuality in society and in the workplace, biases and what each individual can do to contribute to a better, more open environment for bi+ people. #WeAreFamily
The panel discussion is free of charge for all interested parties and will take place from 5 pm to 6:30 pm.
Tips for bisexual people
Coming out as bisexual today can still be fraught with difficulties and experiences of discrimination. If it helps you,
- Look for allies / role models in the company.
- Network with the LGBT*IQ network.
- Seek support in dealing with inappropriate comments or discriminatory behavior.
- Always remember: you determine the timing and nature of your coming out.
Tips For Companies
- Sensitize for unconscious bias
- Create clear requirement profiles
- Anonymize hiring process
- Establishment / strengthening of the internal LGBT*IQ network.
TIps for Allies
- Inform yourself about bisexual topics.
- Use gender inclusive language.
- Do not fetishize bisexual relationships.
- Stand up for the rights and against the discrimination of bisexual people. For example, support the nodoption campaign, which opposes stepchild adoption among rainbow families and advocates for the recognition of parenthood.
We look forward to a successful campaign!
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This Year’s IDAHOBIT and #MyStory
The International Day against Homophobia, Bi-, Inter- and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) has been celebrated annually on May 17 since 2005 to highlight discrimination against the LGBT*IQ community, to raise awareness of existing inequality structures and to take a united stand for diversity and tolerance. May 17 marks the day in 1990 when the WHO removed homosexuality from the diagnostic code for diseases.
Today and every day of the year, we want to celebrate the colorful diversity of the LGBT*IQ community and have therefore created the format “MyStory”. The format gives a stage to all the individual stories that queer people experience every day, because we believe that everyone has something inspiring to tell. We start today with four moving stories.
Studies show that workplace discrimination experiences are still part of everyday life for many LGBT*IQ people. The study “Inter in the Office?!” The work situation of inter* people in Germany under a differential perspective to (endo) LGBTQ+ people.”, published in 2020 by Prof. Dr. Dominic Frohn states that 37.7% of (endo) trans and/or non-binary people surveyed, approx. 30% of inter* respondents and approx. 20& of (endo* cis) LGB+ people directly experience workplace discrimination , in the form of e.g. job rejection, transfer or dismissal.
It’s not surprising, then, that according to a Boston Consulting Group survey (2018/19), 22% of respondents see coming out at work as a potential career risk. 42% would lie to their manager about their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. More background information and studies on LGBT*IQ (in the workplace).
Discrimination against LGBTIQ people is evident at other levels of society besides the workplace. Deal with these issues and make yourself aware of existing inequality structures. Only by becoming aware of these structures and grievances can you actively contribute to their dismantling. The points mentioned here are only an excerpt and not a complete list of possibilities with which you can start your commitment for LGBTIQ equal opportunities and against homophobia, bi-, inter- and transphobia.
Blood Donation
Discrimination against LGBT*IQ people is evident at other levels of society besides the workplace. Deal with these issues and make yourself aware of existing inequality structures. Only by becoming aware of these structures one can actively contribute to their dismantling. The points mentioned here are only an excerpt and not a complete list of possibilities with which you can start your commitment for LGBT*IQ equal opportunities and against homophobia, bi-, inter*- and trans*phobia.
EU LGBT*IQ Freedom Zone
In 2020, some Polish municipalities and cities declared their region as so-called “LGBT-free zones”. The establishment of entire regions where, according to the signatories, no LGBT*IQ people live is a clear attack on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and inter* people. As a first step, the European Parliament has declared the EU as an “LGBTIQ Freedom Zone” to send a clear message against the homophobic rhetoric and sentiment against sexual minorities in Poland. Find out more about the current events in this regard.
The currently valid “Transsexuellengesetz” (TSG) is deeply discriminatory and should be replaced by the self-determination law. “The parliamentary group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen has submitted a bill “for the repeal of the transsexual law and introduction of the self-determination law” (19/19755)”.
A basic Law for all
Demand the addition of Article 3 GG, because LGBT*IQ people are still not protected by Article 3 in the German Basic Law. Many people within the LGBT*IQ community experience discrimination, exclusion and hate violence. We feel that a protection by the Basic Law is indispensable and therefore PROUT AT WORK is one of the first signatories of the appeal “A Basic Law for All”. Sign also now the petition or contact your delegates.
Legal Equality for queer Families
Stand up for the rights of rainbow families. Compared to children of heterosexual couples, the second mother must first adopt her child to provide legal protection – even if the parents are married. For example, support the nodoption campaign, which opposes stepchild adoption among rainbow families and advocates for recognition of parenthood.
We collect stories that move, entertain, inspire. Read our first four stories today and look forward to many more!
LesMigraS is the anti-discrimination and anti-violence section of lesbian counseling Berlin e.V.”
Gladt e.v.
“GLADT is a self-organization of black and of color lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, inter and queer people in Berlin, which stands up against racism, sexism, trans* and homophobia, ableism and other forms of discrimination and offers a diverse range of counseling services.”
Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes
“The counseling team with lawyers can inform you about your rights in a case of discrimination or sexual harassment, show you possibilities if and how you can enforce your rights, strive for an amicable conflict resolution and try to name experts close to your home.”
Bundesverband trans*
“The Bundesverband Trans* (BVT) sees itself as an association of individuals, groups, clubs, associations and initiatives at regional, state and national level, whose common endeavor is the commitment to gender diversity and self-determination and the commitment to human rights in terms of respect, recognition, equality, social participation and health of trans or persons not located in the binary gender system.”
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität e.V.
“The dgti has set itself the goal of promoting the acceptance of transidents within society and counteracting their stigmatization. It should advise and support affected and interested persons, if this is desired. An essential aspect of the work should be the (re-)integration of affected persons into the work process, in order to counteract the danger of social decline, which is still associated with social change today. It advocates more openness toward one’s own identity and takes into account the diversity of human existence.”
Campaign: #theLworksout for Lesbian Visibility Day
Lesbian persons and also bisexual women are often not perceived, one speaks of Lesbian Invisibility. To this day, there are few visible lesbian role models – especially in the business context. In many networks lesbian persons are in the minority. As a result, there is a lack of role models for new and younger colleagues. Through the cross-network and cross-sector campaign #theLworksout on April 26, we can empower openly lesbian people and together create visibility through a large number of participants, as well as highlight the diversity of lesbian people.
- Inform lesbian people from your own network and beyond to make them aware of the action.
- Create a portrait photo using the templates, whether printed or digitally with the tablet. You are also welcome to use the template in grayscale, for example. (Make sure to clarify in advance whether you are allowed to use the employer’s company logo together with the template. Instead, you can use the company name or use the template without the company name).
- Post your own campaign photo on 26.04. 2022 from 10:00 am with the respective hashtags and taggings on the social media channels you use
Facebook: @PrOut@Work
Instagram: @proutatwork
LinkedIn: @PROUT AT WORK-Foundation
Twitter: @proutatwork
If applicable, own company
Position yourself and your company as a supporter of the campaign and for lesbian visibility and call on employees to participate.
The campaign was initiated jointly by the PROUT AT WORK-Foundation and LGBT*IQ business networks. The Lesbian and Gay Association (LSVD) and Wirtschaftsweiber e.V. support the campaign.
You can also find more helpful information and interviews in our article
on Lesbian Visibility Day 2021.
We look forward to a successful campaign!
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We stand in solidarity with all people in Ukraine who are affected by the Russian invasion and war. We know that the Russian regime is extremely queer-hostile and repressive. Therefore, if you would like to support, for example, the LGBT*IQ community or other associations and groups concretely and have the resources to do so, you are welcome to do so via the following pages.
Points of contact and donation options
Many people need immediate help in the current situation. That is why we have listed various donation options here. The list does not claim to be complete. Rather, it represents an excerpt that can be constantly supplemented.
Munich Kyiv Queer / Queere Nothilfe Ukraine
“The contact group Munich Kyiv Queer, formed in 2012 after the CSD in Munich, specifically advocates for the human rights of homo-, bi-, trans* and inter* people in Ukraine. The twinning between Kyiv and Munich is the basis for this.”
“Queere Nothilfe Ukraine is an association of representatives of various organizations from the LGBT*IQ community in Germany. We are in close contact with the human rights organizations on the ground, which use funds for the urgently needed care or evacuation of queer people. Every donation helps and is 100% earmarked.”
With their fundraiser they support activists who need money for transport, accommodation and food until they have found a safe place.
Quarteera e.V.
Quarteera e. V. is an association of Russian-speaking LGBT*IQ in Germany. With their donation campaign, the necessary funds for food, clothing, fees for legal aid, language courses for LGBT*IQ, will be financed.
Kharkiv Pride
KharkivPride is the largest LGBT*IQ Pride organizer in Ukraine, along with KyivPride, which created the event for the protection, equal rights and opportunities of LGBT*IQ people.
You have further input?
Feel free to contact us with specific places to go and ways to donate,
that we can include on the list.
ASAW (A_romantic Spectrum Awareness Week) has been held annually since 2014 – for the first time November 10-17, 2014 under the name “A_romantic Awareness Week”. In 2015 it was decided to move the week to the end of February and change the name to A_romantic Spectrum Awareness Week to address all Arospec identities.
ASAW starts a full week after Valentine’s Day ( starting on Sunday). It follows directly after this romantic holiday to give the a_romantic community a place to celebrate their identity and share their own experiences.
Within this week, the awareness and acceptance of identities of the a_romantic spectrum, as well as their discrimination, should be brought to attention.
The term “a_romantic” is formed from the prefix “a” meaning “none” or “without” and refers to no romantic attraction to others, little romantic attraction to others, or romantic attraction that occurs only under certain circumstances. Individuals show little to no desire for a romantic relationship and sometimes even feel repelled by it. Nevertheless, this does not preclude a_romantic individuals from feeling romantic attraction or being in a non-purely platonic relationship. Some – for various reasons – are interested in romantic relationships with other people, while others are not.
A_romantic people state that they find it difficult to “fall in love.” In doing so, they sometimes choose to have non-traditional relationships or refrain from relationships alltogether. Refusal to engage in romantic acts may differ among a_romantic people from person to person. (For example, some prefer only hugs but reject kisses.)
A_romanticism is not necessarily related to a_sexuality. There are people who identify as both a_sexual and a_romantic, but it is not a compelling connection. The opposite of a_romanticism is alloromanticism (people who are romantically attracted to other people).
In the a_sexual and a_romantic community, a distinction is made between sexual and romantic attraction. Therefore, different combinations of sexuality and romantic attraction are possible (e.g. homosexual and a_romantic). This is called the “split attraction model“. A_romanticism is seen as a spectrum that also includes people who do not identify as “completely a_romantic”.
The a_romantic spectrum can be divided into several subgroups:
– Greyromantic (romantic attraction is felt only rarely or weakly).
– Demiromantic (romantic attraction only after trust has been established)
– Lithromantic (attraction towards other people without the desire for these feelings to be reciprocated)
– Quoiromantic (people who have difficulty distinguishing between romantic and platonic attraction)
any many more.
The symbolism behind the colors of the a_romantic flag:
- Dark green represents a_romanticism (green is the opposite of red, which often represents romantic love).
- Light green indicates the a_romantic spectrum
- White represents forms of non-romantic attraction (such as platonic, aesthetic, and queerplatonic relationships)
- Grey represents “grey-romantic and demi-romantic individuals”
- Black indicates the “spectrum of sexuality”
A_romanticism can be defined individually, so this article is to inform you about the topic and to give you a basic overview. Use the week to learn more about the topic because – you never stop learning!
Tips and recommendations
Awareness Day 2021
Intersex Awareness Day was established in 1996 and has been held annually on October 26th since then. This day is intended to draw attention to the inter* community worldwide and to raise awareness for discrimination and disadvantage in the everyday life of inter* people.
The term is formed from the Latin prefix “inter” which means “between“.
Inter* is the term for people with biological characteristics (chromosomal, gonadal, hormonal, anatomical) that show variants, of purely female or purely male biological characteristics. In some cases, intersex traits may be visible at birth, while in others they may not be visible until puberty. Some hormonal/chromosomal variations need not be physically visible at all.
Intersexuality is not an isolated case, because besides the chromosome sets XX and XY, there are thousands of other possibilities of chromosome pairings, such as XXY, which do not correspond to the bisexual “norm”. This is indicated by the asterisk, which stands for different self-designations and clarifies that there is no “one right way” to be inter*. Intersexuality refers to biological sex and should be distinguished from sexual orientation or gender identity.
A big step in the direction of a free and self-determined life for inter* people was the law published in 2021 to prohibit genital reassignment surgery for inter* children who are unable to give consent.
The colors of the inter* flag are intentionally purple and yellow to move away from gender-specific colors like pink and blue.
The circle symbolizes the unbroken and the potential of inter* people, because even today the inter* community is still fighting for their right to be who they are.
Interview with Nica Schächtele (Nonbinary, Trans*, Inter*)
What formative experiences related to your intersexness have you had (in the workplace)?
Intersexuality is a topic that cannot be explained in 10 minutes, but needs a lot of time, so an intensive conversation can take several hours.
Is the topic of intersex addressed in your workplace, and if so, how?
Intersex is very rarely a topic in the work, and usually initiated by me, for example at Diversity Week.
What challenges and stereotypes have you faced as an inter* person?
There are many caveats and self-declarations. Example: Intersexuality can’t exist at all, because there are only male or female cells, at least according to biology classes. Only a few people can really understand the terms intersex or intersexual, some mix it up with bisexual or non-binary. Even within the LGBT*IQ community, the “I” is a very small letter.
Would you have wished for anything else for your coming out and what are your wishes for the future of the inter* community?
When I came out it went well, the new info was almost always received positively. For the future I wish the inter* community more visibility, knowledge about the many variants, information exchange between individual groups and joint actions with the nonbinary-trans* community.
Ace Week 2021 Beyond Awareness
Ace Week (formerly known as Asexual Awareness Week) has been held annually in late October since its inception in 2010. This year, it will be held from October 24th to October 30th with the theme “Beyond Awareness.” Its purpose is to make A_Sexuality visible and to give a_sexual people the opportunity to talk about their experiences.
The term “a_sexual” is formed from the prefix “a” which means “none” or “without” and refers to no or only slight sexual attraction to other people and/or oneself. However, different organizations, but also a_sexual people themselves define A_Sexuality mostly individually.
In contrast, a_romantic describes no or only a slight romantic attraction to other people. A_sexual people are not necessarily a_romantic and vice versa. The opposite of A_sexuality is allosexuality (people who are sexually attracted to other people).
A_sexuality is on a spectrum, which is made clear by the underscore. Also part of the spectrum are for example demisexual (a person feels sexual attraction to another person only after a deep emotional connection), greysexual or also graysexual, (a person feels sexual attraction to others only rarely or very little) and many more.
A_sexuality is not related to celibacy. That means a_sexual people do not decide voluntarily or for religious reasons to abstain from sex. Moreover, despite their a_sexuality, they can perform sexual acts for various reasons, e.g. to have children.
This also distinguishes A_Sexuality from Antisexuality, where sex is rejected on principle. Additionally, A_Sexuality has nothing to do with repressed sexuality or fear of it. Ace people simply do not feel sexual desire. It is estimated that about 1% of humanity is a_sexual.
The symbolism behind the colors of the A_sexuality flag:
- Black stands for a_sexuality
- Gray symbolizes the a_sexual spectrum
- White stands for sexuality
- Purple represents the a_community
A_Sexuality can be defined individually, so this post is to inform about the topic and provide a basic overview. Use this week to learn more about the topic, because – you never stop learning!
QueerBw was heavily engaged in the rehabilitation of homosexual soldiers. After §175 was deleted from the penal code in 1994 and homosexuality was thus completely decriminalised under German law, homosexuality nevertheless remained an aptitude criterion for the Bundeswehr until the year 2000. Those affected were excluded from service from the outset or had to put up with demotions and dismissals if they did not conceal their sexual orientation or were outed. A good 20 years later, under the enormous influence of QueerBw, the draft law for the SoldRehaHomG (‘Law for the Rehabilitation of Soldiers Discriminated Against in Service Law because of Consensual Homosexual Acts, because of their Homosexual Orientation or because of their Gender Identity’) was implemented into law. This will both overturn past judgements and compensate the persons affected, as well as in the case of discrimination under service law, for example through transfer to lower positions. The network supported the process towards the law through content-related work, networking with politicians and numerous campaigns that raise awareness of the issue.
LGBT*IQ & Friends @ rwe
The still young network has already been able to establish a wide range of offers in terms of education, counselling and public relations. For example, the network promoted the publication of a trans* guideline that accompanies employees in transition as well as managers and colleagues. Particularly noteworthy is the broad support from all areas and levels of the group, from pit workers to the board level.
Encompass Pride
ABB’s Encompass Pride has almost 800 members worldwide. During Pride Month 2021, the network initiated around 25 events worldwide, reaching thousands of employees. Internally, the network focuses on raising awareness, for example through unconscious bias training and an Ally Guide translated into six languages. Also present in heteronormative countries, the network combines locally tailored approaches with global goals.
sustainability AWARD:
proud heroes
The actions of Proud Heroes impress with their consistent orientation towards the needs of queer employees – on the basis of annual surveys. The network also knows how to anchor the implemented measures in all levels and processes of the company and thus create binding guidelines, for example on transitions, discrimination or secondments abroad. This paves the way for long-term and sustainable change towards LGBT*IQ equal opportunities in the workplace.
Media Partner for the LGBT*IQ Awards 2021
Coming Out Day is held annually on October 11. Launched in the USA in 1988, Coming Out Day aims to encourage people to come out, to make the LGBT*IQ community visible and to reduce prejudice.
Coming out is an identity process: it is about self-knowledge, acceptance of one’s own person, and having the courage to tell others. That’s why affected people often spend years thinking about how and when to come out. Uncertainty and fear play a big role – of the reaction of the family, of conflicts with close people, of the reaction of superiors and colleagues, often accompanied by the fear of a career break. With a coming out, affected persons therefore give a great leap of faith, which must be protected. Knowing well that parents, managers and colleagues may also have to go through a process (contradictory feelings, worries, acceptance) – they should nevertheless be strengthened right at the beginning. Communication is therefore very important: How everyone can support well, which questions should be given space (and which should be avoided), we illuminated in a joint panel discussion with our PROUT EMPLOYER Commerzbank AG.
This event took place in German. The recording of the panel discussion can be found here:
The panelists:
“The relationship between siblings is a special one and, for me, one of the most important in the family that doesn’t stop with adulthood. For example, I was the first contact person, at least in front of my parents, when my brother came out about 20 years ago. At the time, I was overwhelmed and asked questions like, “Are you sure?”. Yet it was I myself who was unsure and felt helpless. Today, I want to create trust through education and I’m really looking forward to this exchange.”
Sofia Strabis, Head of Diversity & Inclusion, Commerzbank AG
“Since my coming out, I have been open about the subject. I feel responsible for my children in particular. After all, how are they and others supposed to deal with it as a matter of course if I don’t do it myself? You can only break down prejudices if you get into a conversation. With my voluntary commitment as ARCO spokesperson and as a board member of LSVD Saxony, I therefore want to ensure visibility and also encourage others.”
Sabine Schanzmann-Wey, Regional Press Officer and ARCO Spokesperson, Commerzbank AG, Member of the Board of LSVD Sachsen e.V.
“When my daughter told us she was a lesbian in 2006, when she was twelve, I was, to be honest, a bit taken aback. Because until then I hadn’t really been aware of the queer world. This was an impetus to deal with the topic. Today, based on my own experiences as a father and also as a manager, I want to support, raise awareness and advocate for an open and tolerant work environment.”
Paul Fillmore, Divisional Board Group Risk Control, Commerzbank AG
“I know from my own personal experiences how difficult but also important it is to come out in private and at work. We all, friends, family, parents and colleagues, contribute a great deal to an open culture in society and at work. Our common goal should be that everyone who wants to come out can do so – without experiencing any disadvantages or exclusion.”
Dr. Jean-Luc Vey, Executive Board, PROUT AT WORK-Foundation