This Year’s IDAHOBIT and #MyStory
The International Day against Homophobia, Bi-, Inter- and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) has been celebrated annually on May 17 since 2005 to highlight discrimination against the LGBT*IQ community, to raise awareness of existing inequality structures and to take a united stand for diversity and tolerance. May 17 marks the day in 1990 when the WHO removed homosexuality from the diagnostic code for diseases.
Today and every day of the year, we want to celebrate the colorful diversity of the LGBT*IQ community and have therefore created the format “MyStory”. The format gives a stage to all the individual stories that queer people experience every day, because we believe that everyone has something inspiring to tell. We start today with four moving stories.
Studies show that workplace discrimination experiences are still part of everyday life for many LGBT*IQ people. The study “Inter in the Office?!” The work situation of inter* people in Germany under a differential perspective to (endo) LGBTQ+ people.”, published in 2020 by Prof. Dr. Dominic Frohn states that 37.7% of (endo) trans and/or non-binary people surveyed, approx. 30% of inter* respondents and approx. 20& of (endo* cis) LGB+ people directly experience workplace discrimination , in the form of e.g. job rejection, transfer or dismissal.
It’s not surprising, then, that according to a Boston Consulting Group survey (2018/19), 22% of respondents see coming out at work as a potential career risk. 42% would lie to their manager about their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. More background information and studies on LGBT*IQ (in the workplace).
Discrimination against LGBTIQ people is evident at other levels of society besides the workplace. Deal with these issues and make yourself aware of existing inequality structures. Only by becoming aware of these structures and grievances can you actively contribute to their dismantling. The points mentioned here are only an excerpt and not a complete list of possibilities with which you can start your commitment for LGBTIQ equal opportunities and against homophobia, bi-, inter- and transphobia.
Blood Donation
Discrimination against LGBT*IQ people is evident at other levels of society besides the workplace. Deal with these issues and make yourself aware of existing inequality structures. Only by becoming aware of these structures one can actively contribute to their dismantling. The points mentioned here are only an excerpt and not a complete list of possibilities with which you can start your commitment for LGBT*IQ equal opportunities and against homophobia, bi-, inter*- and trans*phobia.
EU LGBT*IQ Freedom Zone
In 2020, some Polish municipalities and cities declared their region as so-called “LGBT-free zones”. The establishment of entire regions where, according to the signatories, no LGBT*IQ people live is a clear attack on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and inter* people. As a first step, the European Parliament has declared the EU as an “LGBTIQ Freedom Zone” to send a clear message against the homophobic rhetoric and sentiment against sexual minorities in Poland. Find out more about the current events in this regard.
The currently valid “Transsexuellengesetz” (TSG) is deeply discriminatory and should be replaced by the self-determination law. “The parliamentary group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen has submitted a bill “for the repeal of the transsexual law and introduction of the self-determination law” (19/19755)”.
A basic Law for all
Demand the addition of Article 3 GG, because LGBT*IQ people are still not protected by Article 3 in the German Basic Law. Many people within the LGBT*IQ community experience discrimination, exclusion and hate violence. We feel that a protection by the Basic Law is indispensable and therefore PROUT AT WORK is one of the first signatories of the appeal “A Basic Law for All”. Sign also now the petition or contact your delegates.
Legal Equality for queer Families
Stand up for the rights of rainbow families. Compared to children of heterosexual couples, the second mother must first adopt her child to provide legal protection – even if the parents are married. For example, support the nodoption campaign, which opposes stepchild adoption among rainbow families and advocates for recognition of parenthood.
We collect stories that move, entertain, inspire. Read our first four stories today and look forward to many more!

LesMigraS is the anti-discrimination and anti-violence section of lesbian counseling Berlin e.V.”
Gladt e.v.
“GLADT is a self-organization of black and of color lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, inter and queer people in Berlin, which stands up against racism, sexism, trans* and homophobia, ableism and other forms of discrimination and offers a diverse range of counseling services.”
Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes
“The counseling team with lawyers can inform you about your rights in a case of discrimination or sexual harassment, show you possibilities if and how you can enforce your rights, strive for an amicable conflict resolution and try to name experts close to your home.”
Bundesverband trans*
“The Bundesverband Trans* (BVT) sees itself as an association of individuals, groups, clubs, associations and initiatives at regional, state and national level, whose common endeavor is the commitment to gender diversity and self-determination and the commitment to human rights in terms of respect, recognition, equality, social participation and health of trans or persons not located in the binary gender system.”
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität e.V.
“The dgti has set itself the goal of promoting the acceptance of transidents within society and counteracting their stigmatization. It should advise and support affected and interested persons, if this is desired. An essential aspect of the work should be the (re-)integration of affected persons into the work process, in order to counteract the danger of social decline, which is still associated with social change today. It advocates more openness toward one’s own identity and takes into account the diversity of human existence.”