Campaign: #theLworksout for this years` Lesbian Visibility Day
Lesbian persons and Bi*sexual Women are often overlooked due to Lesbian Invisibility. To this day, there are very few visible lesbian role models-especially in a business related context. In many Networks, lesbian persons are a minority. Hence, important role models for younger colleagues aren´t guaranteed. With the Network- and Branch-encompassing campaign #theLworksout on the 26. of April, we can strenghten openly Lesbian Persons and, together with a wide spectrum of atendees, improve Visibility and point out the Diversity of Lesbian Persons.
How can i join the campaign?
- Inform yourself and speak to lesbian persons both inside your Network and outside, to raise awareness for the campaign.
- Take a portrait photo, orienting yourself on our examples, with your Tablet. It doesn´t matter if it is printed or digital. You´re welcome to use shades of grey instead of color for your portrait. (Make sure you´re allowed to use the logo of your company with your employer. If not, you may also use the company name, or hand your photo in without it.)
- Post your own campaign-photo on April 26 2023 at 10:00 AM, including the hashtags and taggings of your primary Social Media Channels.
Facebook: @PrOut@Work
Instagram: @proutatwork
LinkedIn: @PROUT AT WORK-Foundation
Twitter: @proutatwork
If wanted, your own Company
Position your company as a supporter of the campaign and for Lesbian Visibility, and animate employees to take part.
This campaign was initiated by the PROUT AT WORK-Foundation and LGBT*IQ business-networks.
Tips for lesbian persons:
A Lesbian Coming out can still be tied to discrimination and hardships. If it helps you,
- look for Allies / Role Models in the company.
- network with the LGBT*IQ-network.
- look for support in dealing with discrimination and ill-fitting comments.
- always remember: You pick the time and place for your Coming Out.
Tips for companies:
- create sensibility for unconscious bias
- create clear expectation profiles
- anonymize applying for jobs
- Build/Strenghten internal LGBT*IQ-Networks
More information to the listed points can be found in the study “The L-Word in Business”, which deals with the situation of lesbian women in a work environment-with tips for employers.
TIps for Allies
- Inform yourself about lesbian topics.
- Use gender-inclusive language.
- Do not fetishize lesbian relationships.
- Stand up for the rights and against discrimination of Lesbian People. For example support the action nodoption, which works against the adoption of stepchildren and for the acception of Parentage in Rainbow Families.
Lesbenberatung Berlin
The “Lesbenberatung” is an open place for women, girls, Trans* and Inter* in different life situations.
LesMigraS is a branch of the “Lesbenberatung” Berlin e.V. that deals with discrimination and violence.
“LeTRa” stands for Lesben(T)Raum and is a place for meeting, counseling and event location for lesbian persons.
LIBS – Lesben Informations- und Beratungsstelle e.V.
LIBS e.V. is a psychosocial counseling office and with a goal of working against the reasons and follow up effects of discrimination against lesbian and bisexual women.
Regenbogenfamilien München
The Counseling Office in Munich works with rainbow Families to better the living conditions for them, and fight discrimination against them.
Rosa Strippe
The “Verein Rosa Strippe” is specialized on personal and individual problems of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans* and Inter* persons, and offers help with their problems.
For a throwback and quotes to last years´ #theLworksout-campaign, take a look at our page on the Lesbian Visibility Day 2022.
Weitere hilfreiche Informationen und Interviews finden Sie auch in unserem Beitrag
zum Lesbian Visibility Day 2021.
We´re looking forward to your appliance!
More questions? Just contact us in our office!