UNITE von Covestro

Some business areas are reached more by LGBT*IQ business networks, others have hardly any points of contact with them. To date, there have been few best-practice examples of LGBT*IQ awareness-raising work in production companies. UNITE, the LGBT*IQ network of Covestro Deutschland AG, has raised awareness of LGBT*IQ in production. The response was consistently positive, so further events are planned in various areas and at different locations. This makes UNITE a true pioneer, as there have been no best practice examples from other production companies to date.
bunt/lb von nord/lb

Despite being founded at the beginning of last year, this network has already planned and carried out a large number of creative activities. BUNT/LB stands for acceptance and understanding at all levels of coexistence. In addition to representatives of the LGBT*IQ community, Allys are also committed to the interests of the network as members of the foundation; the chairwoman also acts as a patron.
On this year’s Diversity Day, BUNT/LB called on all employees to paint white rubber ducks in bright colors. The more than 200 creatively designed ducklings from various locations then went swimming together in the company pond. This creative idea was the deciding factor in choosing BUNT/LB.
shine von pwc

This network has not only been advocating for the LGBT*IQ community for ten years, but is also active in over 30 countries worldwide. In 2023, Shine introduced its first Global LGBT*IQ Inclusion Strategy, which aims to further promote equal opportunities for the LGBT*IQ community with concrete measures and objectives. These measures include raising awareness among managers, expanding the network, collecting data on the needs of LGBT*IQ employees, providing educational opportunities and increasing visibility through role models.
In order to provide employees with these learning experiences, workshops, discussion panels and other events were offered throughout June – including across national borders – thus living up to Shine’s title of “Global Leader”.
sustainability AWARD:
pride+ von hogan lovells

At Hogan Lovells, diversity and inclusion are seen as a strategic priority at all international locations, as evidenced by policies on discrimination that protect all LGBT*IQ identities and a separate gender pronoun policy. In the six years since its creation, Pride+ has set itself the task of training all employees and managers on unconcious bias and integrating the topic of LGBT*IQ into recruitment processes. In Germany itself, a recommendation on gender-neutral language in the workplace has also been in place for two years, which is reinforced in the long term through repeated training.