The L-Word in Business (German)


A study regarding lesbian women’s situation in the business world – accompanied by recommended best practises for employers.

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The study, funded by the Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld and conducted by the Frankfurt University of Applied Science, focuses specifically on the situation of lesbian women in the workplace and addresses the intersection of homophobia and sexism, shedding light on the situation of working lesbian women in Germany in the application process and in their working lives. The results of the study as well as recommendations for action for companies to eliminate discrimination were furthermore written in cooperation with Wirtschaftsweiber e.V. and the PROUT AT WORK-Foundation.
A book by Prof. Dr. Regine Graml, Prof. Dr. Tobias Hagen, Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ziegler, Dr. Kristine Khachatryan and Ricky Astrida Herman.