This Year’s IDAHOBIT and #MyStory
The International Day against Homophobia, Bi-, Inter- and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) has been celebrated annually on May 17 since 2005 to highlight discrimination against the LGBT*IQ community, to raise awareness of existing inequality structures and to take a united stand for diversity and tolerance. May 17 marks the day in 1990 when the WHO removed homosexuality from the diagnostic code for diseases.
Today and every day of the year, we want to celebrate the colorful diversity of the LGBT*IQ community and have therefore created the format “MyStory”. The format gives a stage to all the individual stories that queer people experience every day, because we believe that everyone has something inspiring to tell. We start today with four moving stories.
Studies show that workplace discrimination experiences are still part of everyday life for many LGBT*IQ people. The study “Inter in the Office?!” The work situation of inter* people in Germany under a differential perspective to (endo) LGBTQ+ people.”, published in 2020 by Prof. Dr. Dominic Frohn states that 37.7% of (endo) trans and/or non-binary people surveyed, approx. 30% of inter* respondents and approx. 20& of (endo* cis) LGB+ people directly experience workplace discrimination , in the form of e.g. job rejection, transfer or dismissal.
It’s not surprising, then, that according to a Boston Consulting Group survey (2018/19), 22% of respondents see coming out at work as a potential career risk. 42% would lie to their manager about their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. More background information and studies on LGBT*IQ (in the workplace).
Discrimination against LGBTIQ people is evident at other levels of society besides the workplace. Deal with these issues and make yourself aware of existing inequality structures. Only by becoming aware of these structures and grievances can you actively contribute to their dismantling. The points mentioned here are only an excerpt and not a complete list of possibilities with which you can start your commitment for LGBTIQ equal opportunities and against homophobia, bi-, inter- and transphobia.
Blood Donation
Discrimination against LGBT*IQ people is evident at other levels of society besides the workplace. Deal with these issues and make yourself aware of existing inequality structures. Only by becoming aware of these structures one can actively contribute to their dismantling. The points mentioned here are only an excerpt and not a complete list of possibilities with which you can start your commitment for LGBT*IQ equal opportunities and against homophobia, bi-, inter*- and trans*phobia.
EU LGBT*IQ Freedom Zone
In 2020, some Polish municipalities and cities declared their region as so-called “LGBT-free zones”. The establishment of entire regions where, according to the signatories, no LGBT*IQ people live is a clear attack on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and inter* people. As a first step, the European Parliament has declared the EU as an “LGBTIQ Freedom Zone” to send a clear message against the homophobic rhetoric and sentiment against sexual minorities in Poland. Find out more about the current events in this regard.
The currently valid “Transsexuellengesetz” (TSG) is deeply discriminatory and should be replaced by the self-determination law. “The parliamentary group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen has submitted a bill “for the repeal of the transsexual law and introduction of the self-determination law” (19/19755)”.
A basic Law for all
Demand the addition of Article 3 GG, because LGBT*IQ people are still not protected by Article 3 in the German Basic Law. Many people within the LGBT*IQ community experience discrimination, exclusion and hate violence. We feel that a protection by the Basic Law is indispensable and therefore PROUT AT WORK is one of the first signatories of the appeal “A Basic Law for All”. Sign also now the petition or contact your delegates.
Legal Equality for queer Families
Stand up for the rights of rainbow families. Compared to children of heterosexual couples, the second mother must first adopt her child to provide legal protection – even if the parents are married. For example, support the nodoption campaign, which opposes stepchild adoption among rainbow families and advocates for recognition of parenthood.
We collect stories that move, entertain, inspire. Read our first four stories today and look forward to many more!
LesMigraS is the anti-discrimination and anti-violence section of lesbian counseling Berlin e.V.”
Gladt e.v.
“GLADT is a self-organization of black and of color lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, inter and queer people in Berlin, which stands up against racism, sexism, trans* and homophobia, ableism and other forms of discrimination and offers a diverse range of counseling services.”
Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes
“The counseling team with lawyers can inform you about your rights in a case of discrimination or sexual harassment, show you possibilities if and how you can enforce your rights, strive for an amicable conflict resolution and try to name experts close to your home.”
Bundesverband trans*
“The Bundesverband Trans* (BVT) sees itself as an association of individuals, groups, clubs, associations and initiatives at regional, state and national level, whose common endeavor is the commitment to gender diversity and self-determination and the commitment to human rights in terms of respect, recognition, equality, social participation and health of trans or persons not located in the binary gender system.”
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität e.V.
“The dgti has set itself the goal of promoting the acceptance of transidents within society and counteracting their stigmatization. It should advise and support affected and interested persons, if this is desired. An essential aspect of the work should be the (re-)integration of affected persons into the work process, in order to counteract the danger of social decline, which is still associated with social change today. It advocates more openness toward one’s own identity and takes into account the diversity of human existence.”
Regularily, our board member Albert Kehrer invites an inspiring role model of the LGBT*IQ community or an LGBT*IQ Ally for a chat. You can look forward to an interesting exchange about role models and visibility in the LGBT*IQ community.
This event took place in German.
Dr. Gesa Heinrichs
Director – Campus Management & Corporate Procurement, 5th place OUT EXECUTIVES 2019
Dr. Gesa Heinrichs is the epitome of an Out Executive! She has been with OTTO for more than 20 years and is involved in a wide range of activities in addition to her management positions. After studying and earning her doctorate in Munich and Hamburg, Gesa brought versatile knowledge from theater and education sciences to the business world.
In 2000, she began her journey at OTTO, which has since led her to the position of “Director – Campus Management & Corporate Procurement”. At OTTO, she was also a founding member of the “Power of Diversity” initiative, is still involved in the resulting LGBT*IQ network “more” today and always stands for open (corporate) culture.
Campaign: #theLworksout for Lesbian Visibility Day
Lesbian persons and also bisexual women are often not perceived, one speaks of Lesbian Invisibility. To this day, there are few visible lesbian role models – especially in the business context. In many networks lesbian persons are in the minority. As a result, there is a lack of role models for new and younger colleagues. Through the cross-network and cross-sector campaign #theLworksout on April 26, we can empower openly lesbian people and together create visibility through a large number of participants, as well as highlight the diversity of lesbian people.
- Inform lesbian people from your own network and beyond to make them aware of the action.
- Create a portrait photo using the templates, whether printed or digitally with the tablet. You are also welcome to use the template in grayscale, for example. (Make sure to clarify in advance whether you are allowed to use the employer’s company logo together with the template. Instead, you can use the company name or use the template without the company name).
- Post your own campaign photo on 26.04. 2022 from 10:00 am with the respective hashtags and taggings on the social media channels you use
Facebook: @PrOut@Work
Instagram: @proutatwork
LinkedIn: @PROUT AT WORK-Foundation
Twitter: @proutatwork
If applicable, own company
Position yourself and your company as a supporter of the campaign and for lesbian visibility and call on employees to participate.
The campaign was initiated jointly by the PROUT AT WORK-Foundation and LGBT*IQ business networks. The Lesbian and Gay Association (LSVD) and Wirtschaftsweiber e.V. support the campaign.
You can also find more helpful information and interviews in our article
on Lesbian Visibility Day 2021.
We look forward to a successful campaign!
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We stand in solidarity with all people in Ukraine who are affected by the Russian invasion and war. We know that the Russian regime is extremely queer-hostile and repressive. Therefore, if you would like to support, for example, the LGBT*IQ community or other associations and groups concretely and have the resources to do so, you are welcome to do so via the following pages.
Points of contact and donation options
Many people need immediate help in the current situation. That is why we have listed various donation options here. The list does not claim to be complete. Rather, it represents an excerpt that can be constantly supplemented.
Munich Kyiv Queer / Queere Nothilfe Ukraine
“The contact group Munich Kyiv Queer, formed in 2012 after the CSD in Munich, specifically advocates for the human rights of homo-, bi-, trans* and inter* people in Ukraine. The twinning between Kyiv and Munich is the basis for this.”
“Queere Nothilfe Ukraine is an association of representatives of various organizations from the LGBT*IQ community in Germany. We are in close contact with the human rights organizations on the ground, which use funds for the urgently needed care or evacuation of queer people. Every donation helps and is 100% earmarked.”
With their fundraiser they support activists who need money for transport, accommodation and food until they have found a safe place.
Quarteera e.V.
Quarteera e. V. is an association of Russian-speaking LGBT*IQ in Germany. With their donation campaign, the necessary funds for food, clothing, fees for legal aid, language courses for LGBT*IQ, will be financed.
Kharkiv Pride
KharkivPride is the largest LGBT*IQ Pride organizer in Ukraine, along with KyivPride, which created the event for the protection, equal rights and opportunities of LGBT*IQ people.
You have further input?
Feel free to contact us with specific places to go and ways to donate,
that we can include on the list.
“FiNUM.Finanzhaus stands for openness, respect and tolerance.”
After her studies of mathematics in Bonn, Sabine Schmitz, the Rhinelander by choice completed her training as an insurance saleswoman at Deutscher Herold Lebensversicherungs AG – now Zurich Group – and then moved to the sales subsidiary Bonnfinanz. Since 1998, she has built up her own company, Obligo Managementberatung, with a focus on IT and organisational consulting. In 2007, she was involved in the founding of FiNUM.Finanzhaus. In 2013, she additionally took on a board mandate in the group at Jung, DMS & Cie. AG. Under her responsibility, Jung, DMS & Cie. developed the strategy to successfully connect major customers. Since 2020, she has concentrated entirely on the development of FiNUM.Finanzhaus AG as Board Member for Sales, Human Resources and Academy.
Sabine Schmitz: FiNUM.Finanzhaus stands for openness, respect and tolerance. We live this attitude on a professional and personal level. Both internally among our employees and externally dealing with our customers, there is an absolute culture of welcome. As a holistic consulting firm, we have a dual interest in an equal society. On the one hand, as an employer and cooperation partner, we naturally want to be a role model in the equal treatment of all people. Both internally and externally, we live a corporate culture that is guided by the values of objective, demanding, human, passionate, virtuous, pioneering and focused. These values already indicate how important the issue of equal treatment is to us. We are firmly convinced that only teams in which people with the most diverse life paths and experiences contribute can be truly successful. That’s why we are a very open, fair and demanding company here. This open-mindedness is also reflected in our consulting activities, which are always empathetic and authentic. All customers should be able to talk openly and honestly with our consultants about any situation in life.
What kind of support from PROUT AT WORK do you wish for?
Sabine Schmitz: Many companies have been involved with PROUT AT WORK for a long time and have a lot of experience. We would like to share in this, be inspired and collaborate to make our world more tolerant and colorful. All the efforts so far to make a difference are impressive. However, we will only achieve the big step if everyone is willing to take a stand for the topic of equality and against discrimination. With the help of the network, we want to become even more active in the future. We are looking forward to learning and making contacts.
FiNUM.Finanzhaus AG belongs to the younger PROUT EMPLOYER with the start of cooperation in 2021. What activities have there been so far in your company on LGBT*IQ in the workplace and are there already plans for the current year?
Sabine Schmitz: We are just getting started in the collaboration. Therefore we are trying to participate in many events and to take part in many activities. So far, it has been enough for us not to live any differences internally in FiNUM.Finanzhaus: we have employees of all gender identities, old and young, many nationalities, people of different faiths and sexual orientations. Now we want to contribute to promote our lived basic attitude and to carry it into our society, where still too big differences are lived. To this end, we have started to fly the flag for diversity on our social media channels and also to position ourselves in customer communications with subtle signs, such as the rainbow colors in the email signature. Unfortunately, we are convinced that it still takes a lot of courage for many people to openly and honestly acknowledge their own identity.
“Our challenge is to show that FiNUM.Finanzhaus provides an open work environment where everyone is welcome just as they are.”
Where do you see the challenges concerning LGBT*IQ diversity at FiNUM.Finanzhaus AG in the coming years?
Sabine Schmitz:Too many people in Germany still don’t dare to come out at the workplace. Our challenge is to show that FiNUM.Finanzhaus offers an open working environment where everyone is welcome just as they are. We have put a lot of thought into our set-up here and see ourselves on a good development path. We would be pleased if we could find more people who appreciate our way and see their professional future with us.
Dear Sabine Schmitz, thank you very much for the interview!
“LGBT*IQ friendly workplaces are part of what we do at Fujitsu.”
Juan Perea Rodríguez started with Fujitsu Siemens in 1999 and held several positions until 2021. In May 2021 he became Head of Sales Central Europe at Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH and Managing Director Germany. Juan was born in 1980 and is married with two sons.
Juan Perea Rodríguez, what was your motivation for becoming a PROUT EMPLOYER?
Juan Perea Rodríguez: We wanted to set an example. Allyship is important and, for me, this also includes to openly and visibly stand up for LGBT*IQ. The more companies position themselves here, the more “normality” the topic will hopefully achieve. We want to make a contribution here. In addition we wanted to promote internal networking, especially in Germany, because we already have a great global network with FUJITSU Pride and would like to see even more commitment from our German Workforce.
“The signing of the UN LGBTI Standards by our former President was a special moment and brought us a lot of positive feedback internally and externally.”
In 2016 Fujitsu was the first multinational corporation from Japan who promoted LGBT*IQ friendly workspaces throughout the global organisation. How did this come about and what were the reactions to this?
Juan Perea Rodríguez: There is a lot happening around women’s equality in Japan and as this happens, perceptions of other diversity dimensions are also changing. This cultural shift has made diversity increasingly important and LGBT+ friendly workplaces are part of what we do at Fujitsu, true to our motto “be completely you”. The signing of the UN LGBTI Standards by our former President was a special moment and brought us a lot of positive feedback internally and externally.
How did D&I and the corporate culture change since that time?
Juan Perea Rodríguez: With the revision of the Fujitsu Way, our current President Tokita-san has now also “literally” anchored Diversity and Inclusion in our Code of Values. This has given them the status they deserve internally and in society in general. As topics such as mutual respect, tolerance and cooperation were already clearly anchored in Fujitsu Way before, this was only cosmetics. The culture was already there.
Based on your experiences: What is your advice for global corporations who plan to engage within LGBT*IQ diversity?
Juan Perea Rodríguez: Speak to all employees and listen to all of them. Encourage the LGBT*IQ community within the company to openly share their experiences, needs, etc. Offer help and, if necessary, support in countries where discrimination is on a completely different scale than in Western Europe.
Where do you identify future challenges concerning your engagement for LGBT*IQ diversity within Fujitsu?
Juan Perea Rodríguez: To sensitize everyone in the company and to make the explicit preoccupation with the topic of D&I obsolete at some point. Because it is firmly anchored in all we do and we naturally all treat each other with respect and appreciation.
Dear Juan Perea Rodríguez, thank you for the interview!
Pride Month ends in a few days and if the past weeks and political decisions, also here in Germany (e.g. Self-Determination Act), haven’t done it yet, the current events around UEFA’s decision make it clear once again that the decisive commitment to LGBT*IQ equal opportunities has to take place 365 days a year and cannot be taken for granted.
It’s no surprise that UEFA has banned the Allianz Arena from being lit up in rainbow colors. Now it has gone one better and turned the tables. In a posting, UEFA interprets the official request by the city of Munich as a political calculation. They themselves understand the rainbow as a non-political sign that is supposed to symbolize their own basic values – the illumination of the Allianz Arena is nevertheless out of the question.
A paradoxical statement that highlights the lack of confrontation with uncomfortable truths and reverses the responsibility for the current situation. With its decision, UEFA shoots itself an own goal – despite the emphasis on political and religious neutrality – because it sets a clear political signal itself. True to the motto: profit before people (lives).
With all the points worth discussing in dealing with #Regenbogengate, however, it should be clear and there is nothing to discuss: Passing laws that deliberately further oppress marginalized people, expose them to violence and make them invisible is a political act and goes against the commitment to human dignity and fundamental rights.
The lighting of the Allianz Arena could have been an important sign for LGBT*IQ people in Hungary, Poland, Germany and worldwide. A sign of solidarity and hope, which, however, must also be followed by action.
As a foundation, we therefore also call on the companies involved in the EM to continue to exert pressure, not only today, but every day to show edge and attitude, to position themselves and to draw consequences in the respective countries. Words must be followed by deeds and the commitment for LGBTIQ must be intensified. Because LGBTIQ rights are human rights that are not negotiable.
Finally, a suggestion on the many great ways already mentioned to make the rainbow visible in the stadium tonight: Can’t the sponsor companies like, Lieferando, VW, Heineken, FedEx, etc. spontaneously adjust their perimeter advertising?
We are curious about tonight and further reactions and look forward to an interesting and fair game of both teams.
Contact us
If you would like to learn more about our work or have questions about LGBT*IQ in the company, we would be happy to help you by email or phone call.
The PROUT PERFORMER lists 2021 are online!
The nomination process already started at the beginning of the year and now the time has finally come! You can now get a glimpse of this year’s PROUT PERFORMER lists and be inspired by impressive individuals and their stories.
The German Diversity Day takes place every year and is a initiative of Charta der Vielfalt e.V.. Companies and organizations across Germany participate with a wide range of online and offline activities on diversity – whether for their own employees or the general public. The aim is to bring diversity in all its dimensions into focus in the workplace. This year, the 9th German Diversity Day (#DDT21) will take place on May 18 and all actions will be collected digitally under the hashtag #VielfaltVerbindet. All further information about the day of action can be found on the website of Charta der Vielfalt e.V..
We are in!
We will guide you through our seven HOW TO guides for #DDT21 on our website and social media. The guides highlight social changes from a business perspective. They show options for action that put companies and organizations on the safe side while also taking into account the needs of employees. Gain insights into topics such as “Same-sex marriage” “The third gender option” or learn something about gender-inclusive language with our “Sprechen Sie LGBT*IQ” guide.
HOW TO – our lgbt*iq guides
Same-sex Marriage and What it Means for Businesses
Dear businesspeople and other interested parties, we would like to provide you below with a short guide regarding the changes you can expect in everyday business life as a result of marriage equality and how you can respond to them.
HOW TO NO. 2 | GERMAN & English
UN LGBTI Standards of Conduct for Business
A theoretical overview of the UN LGBTI Standards of Conduct for Business and practical suggestions for implementation in everyday business life.
Do You Speak LGBT*IQ?
Language is much more than just a way to express ourselves – it’s also a mirror to our society. It tells us who is truly considered a full member and who is only included as a footnote. If you want to know how everyone can be included linguistically, you will find practical everyday answers and examples in this guide.
The perfect piece of reading for all employers who have understood that they will meet LGBT*IQ topics all over their company. A beginner’s guide from A as in acronym (what does LGBT*IQ actually mean?) to Z as in zero disturbances concerning personnel development. It will then be clear why the commitment to equal opportunities in the workplace is financially and culturally worthwhile and how diversity can materialize into minds and structures.
With this guide, we primarily address members of the LGBT*IQ community who wish to appear with their whole self in their everyday work. The guide provides answers to important questions and practical tips for coming out at the workplace.
Anyone can be a LGBT*IQ ally anytime and anywhere – that is the ideal case! This guide is primarily aimed at the situation of employees. We show, where they can find other LGBT*IQ allies in their company and give them concrete recommendations for successful cooperation.
HOW TO No. 7 | german
What does gender mean? What is the introduction of a third gender option all about? And what does it mean for employees and employers? In this guide, we have collected answers – as well as measures to implement the law in companies and create an open work culture.
Campaign #QueerAtWork for IDAHOBIT
The International Day against Homophobia, Bi-, Inter- and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) has been celebrated annually on May 17 since 2005 to highlight discrimination against the LGBT*IQ community, to raise awareness of existing inequality structures and to take a united stand for diversity and tolerance. May 17 marks the day in 1990 when the WHO removed homosexuality from the diagnostic code for diseases. For this year’s IDAHOBIT, we are calling on all LGBTIQ employees, regardless of their company, to post a portrait photo on their social media channels with the hashtag #QueerAtWork.
How can i participate in the Campaign?
- Inform and approach LGBT*IQ people from your own network and beyond to make them aware of the campaign
- Create a portrait photo using the templates, whether printed out or digitally using a tablet. (Be sure to clarify in advance whether you may use the employer’s company logo along with the template. Instead, you can use the company name or use the template without company information.)
- Post your own campaign photo along with the statement on May 17 2021, 9:00 am (CEST) with the respective hashtags and taggings on whatever social media channels you use
All the information, including the statement and template for the action, can be found summarized here as a download.
#[Diversity-Hashtag of your company]
#[Diversity-Hashtag of your corporate network]
Facebook: @PrOut@Work
Instagram: @proutatwork
LinkedIn: @PROUT AT WORK-Foundation
Twitter: @proutatwork
If applicable, own company
Position yourself and your company as a supporter of the campaign and call on employees and executives to participate. Use the campaign to effectively advocate against LGBT*IQ discrimination internally and externally. The campaign is based on an idea by Magenta Pride, Deutsche Telekom’s LGBT*IQ employee network, and is supported by it.
Studies show that workplace discrimination experiences are still part of everyday life for many LGBT*IQ people. The study “Inter in the Office?!” The work situation of inter* people in Germany under a differential perspective to (endo) LGBTQ+ people.”, published in 2020 by Prof. Dr. Dominic Frohn states that 37.7% of (endo) trans and/or non-binary people surveyed, approx. 30% of inter* respondents and approx. 20& of (endo* cis) LGB+ people directly experience workplace discrimination , in the form of e.g. job rejection, transfer or dismissal.
It’s not surprising, then, that according to a Boston Consulting Group survey (2018/19), 22% of respondents see coming out at work as a potential career risk. 42% would lie to their manager about their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. More background information and studies on LGBT*IQ (in the workplace).
Discrimination against LGBTIQ people is evident at other levels of society besides the workplace. Deal with these issues and make yourself aware of existing inequality structures. Only by becoming aware of these structures and grievances can you actively contribute to their dismantling. The points mentioned here are only an excerpt and not a complete list of possibilities with which you can start your commitment for LGBTIQ equal opportunities and against homophobia, bi-, inter- and transphobia.
Blood Donation
Discrimination against LGBT*IQ people is evident at other levels of society besides the workplace. Deal with these issues and make yourself aware of existing inequality structures. Only by becoming aware of these structures one can actively contribute to their dismantling. The points mentioned here are only an excerpt and not a complete list of possibilities with which you can start your commitment for LGBT*IQ equal opportunities and against homophobia, bi-, inter*- and trans*phobia.
EU LGBT*IQ Freedom Zone
In 2020, some Polish municipalities and cities declared their region as so-called “LGBT-free zones”. The establishment of entire regions where, according to the signatories, no LGBT*IQ people live is a clear attack on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and inter* people. As a first step, the European Parliament has declared the EU as an “LGBTIQ Freedom Zone” to send a clear message against the homophobic rhetoric and sentiment against sexual minorities in Poland. Find out more about the current events in this regard.
The currently valid “Transsexuellengesetz” (TSG) is deeply discriminatory and should be replaced by the self-determination law. “The parliamentary group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen has submitted a bill “for the repeal of the transsexual law and introduction of the self-determination law” (19/19755)”. On May 19, there is a discussion on this in the Bundestag, in which it will also come to the vote. You can currently still contact suitable deputies in this regard.
A basic Law for all
Demand the addition of Article 3 GG, because LGBT*IQ people are still not protected by Article 3 in the German Basic Law. Many people within the LGBT*IQ community experience discrimination, exclusion and hate violence. We feel that a protection by the Basic Law is indispensable and therefore PROUT AT WORK is one of the first signatories of the appeal “A Basic Law for All”. Sign also now the petition or contact your delegates.
Legal Equality for queer Families
Stand up for the rights of rainbow families. Compared to children of heterosexual couples, the second mother must first adopt her child to provide legal protection – even if the parents are married. For example, support the nodoption campaign, which opposes stepchild adoption among rainbow families and advocates for recognition of parenthood.
People from the LGBT*IQ Community
As part of Awareness Day, we asked people from the LGBT*IQ community which role models helped them come out and why. We also asked them what structural changes they would like to see for more LGBT*IQ equality.
Sandra Vollmer, Vorstand Finanzen und HR, 1&1 Mail & Media Applications SE
Welche Role Models haben Dir beim Coming Out geholfen und wieso?
“Ich habe mich intensiv mit dem Outing v.a. anderer trans* Frauen beschäftigt. Sowohl im persönlichen Austausch mit anderen trans* Frauen, aber auch durch Recherche und das Studium vieler Biografien. Besonders bewegt haben mich die Lebenswege von Valerie Schnitzer (“Geheilte Seele – Befreites Ich”), die ich im Rahmen einer Lesung persönlich kennenlernen durfte, und natürlich die Geschichte von Anastasia Biefang, die als Führungskraft in der landläufig als „konservativ“ geltenden Bundeswehr ihre berufliche Transition erfolgreich vollzogen hatte. Wenn man es so will, war Anastasia für mich der Moment, wo ich mir sagte ‚Okay, Sie hat das klasse gemacht. Wenn das als Führungskraft in der Bundeswehr möglich ist, muss eine Transition in meinem Unternehmen für mich als Vorständin ebenfalls nicht unmöglich sein?‘ Und auch wenn ich am Ende die Kraft und den Mut für mein Outing aus ganz vielen unterschiedlichen Quellen geschöpft habe, war ihre Geschichte sicherlich eine davon!”
Welche strukturellen Änderungen in der Arbeitswelt wünschst Du Dir für mehr LGBT*IQ-Chancengleichheit?
“Ich würde mir wünschen, dass noch mehr Entscheider_innen althergebrachte Rollenbilder und Vorurteile abbauen, und mit geistiger Offenheit Vielfalt als Chance verstehen. Chance deshalb, weil ich fest davon überzeugt bin, wenn alle Mitarbeiter_innen ihre Talente einbringen und entfalten können, entstehen vielfältige und neue Ideen. Außerdem trägt das zu einem komplexeren und umfangreicheren Verständnis der Kund_innen bei, zu denen auch die LGBT*IQ Community zählt. Und zu guter Letzt erhöht das die Attraktivität als Arbeitgeber_in. Um das zu erreichen Bedarf es klarer Zielvorgaben durch die Unternehmensführung / Aufsichtsgremien, und ein professionelles Diversity Management, das einen bunten Blumenstrauß an Maßnahmen treibt und Fortschritte in der operationalen Umsetzung misst. Tendenziell also eher ein Marathon als ein Sprint! Und gerade deshalb sind Initiativen wie der IDAHOBIT so wichtig. Sie geben Denkanstöße, zeigen Handlungsalternativen auf und schaffen im besten Fall den Nährboden für ein Veränderungsbewusstsein.”
Sonsoles Pérez Laporta, Unternehmenskommunikation, AUDI Planung GmbH
Welche Role Models haben Dir beim Coming Out geholfen und wieso?
“Inspirierende Role Models haben zwei Merkmale: Wir können uns mit ihnen identifizieren und sie zeigen uns, was wir werden können: stark, mutig und sichtbar.”
Welche strukturellen Änderungen in der Arbeitswelt wünschst Du Dir für mehr LGBT*IQ Chancengleichheit?
“Coaching und Mentoring-Programme für die LGBT*IQ-Community und Aufklärung für potentielle Allies. In der Diversität sind wir stark, wenn uns die Vielfalt und ihre Vorteile bewusst sind und gefördert werden.”
Thiago Machado, Global Senior Brand Manager, Beiersdorf
Which role models helped you coming out and why?
“Having peers and leaders openly out gave me the confidence to be myself and authentic at work – it gave me the confidence to be myself and keep working continuously to build a successful career. Having a role model made me realize I can be myself, that I can share about my personal life and take initiatives for a more inclusive environment. It does make a difference and I strongly believe that having people to look up to encourages me every day to do my best and be the example for the others around me.”
Which structural changes in the work environment aiming for equality of opportunities for the LGBT*IQ community do you wish for?
“First and foremost it is key that we integrate clear anti-discrimination guidelines into our HR policies and that we enforce these when we are made aware of behaviour that is not in line with these guidelines. Furthermore, every employer should offer similar benefits to same sex couples as they would to non-same-sex couples, that seems only fair to me! I also really believe in training to educate ALL our employees on Diversity & Inclusion, this plays a very important role for an inclusive and respectful environment. It gives the employees the opportunity to put themselves in the others’ shoes, respecting and valuing the diversity & inclusion. I wish for an environment where the workforce, globally, has the tools and information to understand that an inclusive workplace means more motivation, more productivity and more authenticity.
I wish that it is reflected not only in all internal touchpoints – recruitment & development, but also externally, positively impacting the society.”
Maik Brunkow, Employer Branding, KGMG Deutschland
Welche Role Models haben Dir beim Coming Out geholfen und wieso?
“Mein erstes großes Coming Out hatte ich leider nicht selbst bestimmt, aber ich habe meine sexuelle Orientierung auch mit 13 schon nicht verleugnet. Das lag zum Teil auch an vielen verschiedenen Stars im Musikbusiness, die schon erfolgreich Out waren. Ganz explizit waren das der Keyboarder einer deutschen Rockpopband und der Gewinner des britischen Castingformats Pop Idol.
Als nicht binäre Person hatte ich nie ein richtiges Coming Out. Einzelne Freund*innen waren Teil des Prozesses, in dem mir klar geworden ist, dass die, die mir in meinem Leben in unterschiedlichen Situationen gesagt haben, ich wäre entweder zu männlich oder zu weiblich, einfach unrecht hatten. In dieser Zeit hat es sehr geholfen, dass ein genereller gesellschaftlicher Wandel stattfindet. Die vielen Menschen, die sich nicht mehr einem binären Geschlechtssystem einordnen wollen und das öffentlich zeigen, sind für mich unglaublich wichtig. Irgendwann habe ich dann einfach angefangen, in meine Profile reinzuschreiben, dass ich Pronomen ablehne, wenn sie nicht benötigt werden. Sehr hilfreich war es für mich aber auch, dass meine Führungskraft aus einem Praktikum, das ich mal gemacht habe, jetzt auch in ihren Online-Profilen stehen hatte, dass sie nun they/them Pronouns verwendet.”
Welche strukturellen Änderungen in der Arbeitswelt wünschst Du Dir für mehr LGBT*IQ Chancengleichheit?
“Manchmal könnte man denken, wir wären schon am Ende der Gleichberechtigung angekommen. Ich glaube nicht, dass wir schon soweit sind. Auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene müssen wir unbedingt die rechtlichen Hürden für Geschlechtsangleichungen heruntersetzen und dringend die Stiefkindadoption für gleichgeschlechtliche Paare erleichtern. Am Arbeitsplatz folgen daraus für mich ganz konkrete Änderungen: es gibt in vielen Unternehmen immer noch keine Möglichkeit, Angaben zum Geschlecht mal eben zu ändern. Außerdem unterscheiden Policies zur Elternzeit und zur Rückkehr aus der Elternzeit noch häufig zwischen Männern und Frauen. Gleichgeschlechtliche Paare werden hier nur selten direkt angesprochen. Neben einem langfristigen Wandel von Unternehmenskulturen, sehe ich hier die größten Baustellen.”
Merve Aksoy, Schauspielerin
Welche Role Models haben Dir beim Coming Out geholfen und wieso?
“Maren Kroymann, ihre selbstbewusste offene Art hat mir gezeigt wie selbstverständlich das ist und trotzdem eine erfolgreiche Schauspielerin sein kann. Ruby Rose, sie steht zu sich und ihrem Lifestyle, ihrem Style. Sie zeigt die „nackte“ Wahrheit. Sie engagiert sich für homosexuelle Rechte. Ich finde sie sehr mutig. Ich möchte auch andere inspirieren und unterstützen durch meine Sichtbarkeit beim Coming Out zu helfen.”
Welche strukturellen Änderungen in der Arbeitswelt wünschst Du Dir für mehr LGBT*IQ Chancengleichheit?
” Ich wünsche mir besseren Schutz vor Diskriminierung. Firmen sollen Diversity-Trainings und geschlechtsneutrale Toiletten anbieten. In Jobbeschreibungen die neutrale/korrekt gegenderte Version wählen (also “Fachperson” statt Fachmann, oder Reinigungsfachkraft statt Putzfrau). Die Möglichkeit gerade für trans Personen, schon vor der öffentlichen Namensänderung den gewählte Namen im Betrieb/Mailadresse usw. zu verwenden. Eine interne Ansprechstelle, wo Diskriminierung (von Kund*innen oder Mitarbeitenden) gemeldet werden kann.”
“LesMigraS is the anti-discrimination and anti-violence section of lesbian counseling Berlin e.V.”
Gladt e.v.
” GLADT is a self-organization of black and of color lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, inter and queer people in Berlin, which stands up against racism, sexism, trans* and homophobia, ableism and other forms of discrimination and offers a diverse range of counseling services.”
Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes
“The counseling team with lawyers can inform you about your rights in a case of discrimination or sexual harassment, show you possibilities if and how you can enforce your rights, strive for an amicable conflict resolution and try to name experts close to your home.”
Bundesverband trans*
“The Bundesverband Trans* (BVT) sees itself as an association of individuals, groups, clubs, associations and initiatives at regional, state and national level, whose common endeavor is the commitment to gender diversity and self-determination and the commitment to human rights in terms of respect, recognition, equality, social participation and health of trans or persons not located in the binary gender system.”
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität e.V.
“Die dgti hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Akzeptanz von Transidenten innerhalb der Gesellschaft zu fördern und deren Stigmatisierung entgegenzuwirken. Sie soll Betroffene und Interessierte beraten und betreuen, sofern dies gewünscht wird. Ein wesentlicher Aspekt der Arbeit sollte die (Re-)Integration von Betroffenen in den Arbeitsprozess sein, um so der Gefahr des sozialen Abstiegs zu begegnen, der heutzutage noch mit dem sozialen Wechsel verbunden ist. Sie tritt für mehr Offenheit der eigenen Identität gegenüber ein und trägt der Vielfalt menschlichen Daseins Rechnung.”