The Foundation
The People Behind

Albert Kehrer (he/him)
“I know from personal experience what it feels like to be able to develop your full potential in the workplace. Too many people still do not have the confidence to be themselves. My contribution as the CEO of PROUT AT WORK is to work precisely on this with companies and organizations, in order to come closer to the goal of a non-discriminatory and inclusive working environment.”

Frauke Bareiss (she/her)
Project Lead
“Work that improves equal opportunities for LGBT*IQ just makes sense. Since I feel privileged in many ways, I see it not only as a personal concern to work for more equal opportunities and against discrimination. For me, it also means taking responsibility, contributing to a better society and actively change.”

Quinton Binder (they/them | he/him)
Working Student
“After working as an openly queer person in a less diverse company for a year and a half in another working student job, I came across PROUT AT WORK while looking for something new. It was immediately clear to me – I wanted to be part of it. I had had exactly the kind of experiences that the foundation focuses on, so I am delighted to now be able to effectively help shape solutions and improvements for queer working and living realities.”

Christian Boß (he/him)
Project Lead
“Working for LGBT*IQ equal opportunities is a matter close to my heart. Through my work, I want to make LGBT*IQ topics more visible, by drawing attention to existing inequalities. In the best case, it stimulates reflection and rethinking of existing views and structures and thus promote honest and sustainable change in the world of work.”

Indira Buck (she/her)
Working Student
“During my studies, I dealt intensively with gender and diversity issues, which has significantly shaped my perspective on social structures and dealing with diversity. I therefore see it as natural to contribute my knowledge and my voice as an ally in order to show solidarity and create spaces together in which everyone can develop their own diversity safely and freely. At PROUT AT WORK, I can help to promote an inclusive (work) culture that focuses on recognition and respect for everyone.“

Enea Cocco (he/him)
Project Lead
“Luckily, many people are already talking about queer issues with great openness, and many straight people are now showing themselves appreciative and accepting – that’s something. Nevertheless, the concerns of LGBT*IQ have not yet become part of invisible normality and it is important to me to make a practical contribution in solidarity.”

Jonas Fischer (he/him)
Office Manager
“Even though queer people make up a considerable part of our population, it is quite hard to spot them in most companies. Frequently, this issue can be attributed to queer people being afraid of outing themselves, since they might have already experienced too much discrimination in their lives.
In fact, employees who are able to act freely and openly and do not have to hide while at work tend to perform more efficently and lucratively.
I am proud of working at a foundation that commits to improving queer rights in the business world. The kind of diversity we have already established in our team is the kind that should be common in each and every company.“

Julian Gebhard (he/him)
“LGBT*IQ equal opportunity concerns us all. Everyone has a responsibility to treat their fellow human beings with respect – both in everyday life and in the workplace. Only then can we create an open (work) environment in which LGBT*IQ people do not have to hide or pretend, but can speak openly about their gender identity or sexual orientation. For this, we need more role models who represent our diverse society and especially encourage young LGBT*IQ people to accept and love themselves.”

Donna von Hösslin (she/her)
Project Lead
“For me, working for LGBT*IQ equal opportunities means standing up for an open-minded workplace that is characterized by acceptance for all people. It is important to me, that everyone can come to work as the person he_she is.”

Jo Labecka (no pronouns)
Corporate Relationship Manager
“With my work, I would like to contribute to the visibility of LGBT*IQ people. Everyone deserves to be respected and to be able to show themselves as their true selves. However, very many people still don’t dare to do so, which is why we absolutely need more role models who show that it is possible. Together with companies and organizations, we can create a safe environment where differences are valued as potentials and not seen as hurdles.”

Sy Legath (he/they)
Project Lead
“Diversity is a buzzword. But it’s not enough to talk about diversity – you have to live it. Authentically, courageously and with solidarity. If we want to make our society and the workplace fair for everyone, we have to take action together. For me, working for LGBT*IQ equal opportunities therefore means taking responsibility, sharing privileges and initiating change.”
advisory board

Martin Behle

Karen Beier
Senior Expertin Diversity & Inclusive Culture im D&I Office

Corina Christen
Charta der Vielfalt e.V.
“Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace is very important to me. My commitment to equal opportunities for queer people in the workplace is based on the fundamental principle that every person should have the opportunity to develop free from discrimination. An atmosphere in which individual authenticity can be lived without fear not only promotes the well-being of the individual, but also strengthens the entire team.”

Torsten Grewe
Leiter betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Pfizer Pharma GmbH
“For me, equal opportunities for queer people in the workplace is a question of justice. Everyone should have the same opportunities, regardless of their identity. Through an inclusive work environment, we can promote not only individual growth, but also the diversity and creativity that lead to innovative solutions and a successful company.”

Dennis Heuer
White & Case
“I am committed to PROUT AT WORK, because the professional environment plays a central role these days and more diversity can only enrich the world of work.”

Kai-Frithjof Hülsmann
Deutsche Telekom AG
“I am deeply convinced that diversity plays a crucial role in innovation and creative thinking in our digital future and is crucial in shaping new technologies. That’s why I am passionate about equal opportunities for queer people in the workplace and shaping the diverse working world of tomorrow.”

Stefan Katt
Völklinger Kreis
“As a gay man, it is particularly important for me to advocate for equal opportunities for queer people in the workplace. As a manager, I have a responsibility to promote an inclusive corporate culture in which diversity is valued and every employee has the same opportunities to progress based on performance and ability – and not be disadvantaged because of their sexual orientation. There should also be room for personal and professional development in the workplace. I am committed to equal opportunities in order to bring about positive change, not only within my own company, but also in the world of work as a whole. Unfortunately, there is still a lot to do, true to the motto: Be Proud – Be Yourself – Be Ambitious.”

Kornelia Liebert
Wirtschaftsweiber e.V.
“Equal opportunities are important to me, because these opportunities for people with a different sexual orientation are still unevenly distributed and discrimination continues to exist in companies.”

Debora Murseli
Diversty & Inclusion Lead Germany
“Equal opportunity is a human right, it is regulated by law. In reality, things are not always fair. Unfortunately, queer people in particular are still subject to unequal treatment and hostility. In my role on the advisory board, I want to use my voice to empower the queer community and raise awareness.”

Susanne Nezmeskal-Berggötz
Deutsche Post AG

Claudia Peiser
“Only those who can develop freely in the workplace can work successfully and happily and use their own potential to the full. To ensure that no one forgets this, you have to remind some people of it from time to time. And this requires people who point this out and demand it, even if it is sometimes uncomfortable. In the end, we all benefit from it.”

Andreas von Rosen
Senior Programm Manager
“When I came out to my employer 20 years ago, it was preceded by weeks of worrying and various panic attacks about how it would be received. Fortunately, thanks to the tireless work of many fellow campaigners and colleagues, we are now much further along, but it is still often a difficult process. And not every company can already call itself LGBTIQ friendly. It is therefore very important to me that we do not let up in our efforts to demand and promote genuine equal opportunities and acceptance for LGBTIQ people. I want to work towards this.”

Mathias Schreiber
“As a Partner at PwC and Co-Chair of Shine, I firmly believe that diversity and inclusion are critical success factors for any organization. My involvement with the PROUT AT WORK Foundation reflects my belief that everyone should work in a safe and respectful work environment. An inclusive culture promotes the full potential of all employees. In my role as an advisory board member, I am committed to making LGBTIQ+ employees more visible and better supported. Working with PROUT AT WORK gives me the opportunity to further this mission and have a positive impact on the world of work. Together, we can break down barriers and use diversity as a strength.”

Sofia Strabis
Leitung Diversity & Inclusion Management
“As the inclusion officer at Commerzbank AG and Head of Diversity & Inclusion Management, I believe that the inclusion of all people, with their individual skills and potential, is an essential goal of corporate culture. Everyone belongs to it & there is no “label” for people. The aim of our diversity strategy is to think about all aspects of diversity & inclusion management globally and to anchor them in people so that diversity can be experienced as an integral part of our DNA.”

Barbara Thiel
thyssenkrupp AG
“As an advisory board member of the PROUT AT WORK-Foundation, I am involved because I am convinced that diversity and inclusion in the workplace are not just values, but real drivers of innovation and (economic) success. It is a personal concern of mine to make a contribution to ensuring that people can work authentically and without restrictions, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation or gender identity. With my work, I want to help create a working environment that encourages, breaks down prejudices and promotes genuine equal opportunities.”

Paul Tophof
“I know from my own experience how important it is to advocate for equal opportunities for queer people in the workplace. We must not rest on our laurels – we must continue to work towards a diverse and unprejudiced working environment. I would like to contribute to this with my commitment.”

Antonia Wadé
Diversity Management
Audi AG
“Being queer is still associated with prejudice.
In my company, I’m working towards a future were being queer is considered as normal.”

Jutta Walldorf
Global Head of Talent Management & Employee Management
“It is my belief that true success and innovation can only be achieved through an inclusive work environment. By advocating for equal opportunities for queer people in the workplace, we are creating an environment where our LGBT*IQ employees can end the game of hiding, realize their full potential and contribute to the continuous improvement of our company.”